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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/30/21 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Hello there dear Admins & MU Bless Staff, My name is Leonidas & I'm an active player for at least 2 months now and I first started playing on the first covid quarantine. First things first as a web developer myself that specializes at API development I literally have to say Im impressed by the work you've put on this project. I'm a huge FAN of MU since I was 14 years old and you've just made it way better for me to play an old MMO and actually have fun with it after so many years, even with many 10times better looking and more decent MMOs out there - and that's a huge compliment. Now, to get more to the point, as a player that helped more than 10-15 guys already within my server's gametime with also a Vietnamese friend of mine Ambiel (which probably quit cause of what's happening within the server) I wanted to point out that my suggestions are just purely out of good intention and by any chance not in my or any of my keen favor. So, to get started I will make an ordered list and I will be glad to hear your thoughts on my suggestions as well. I strongly believe we need more ANTI PK Zones (for AFK Farming) that will be out of the range of 80+ resets. They don't have to have huge zen resources cause bots will just go there again. Reason for that: When I started some people tend to get really serious about the game and get really angry stopping your progress constantly with bigger chars by AFK pking your characters so you won't develop furthermore and probably ragequit. Thing is I'm not that guy, I'm persistent. But - I knew a bunch of new players that actually quit for this particular reason. So I don't think that this needs any more introduction, we're loosing player base just because of some people's "cockiness". I think the server needs a restart from times to times in order to "cut" out the numerous bots that people use to farm zen @ Aida etc. That way everyone will be happy cause spots will change and also more people will have the chance to actually benefit as well. Impacts on gameplay economy as well on a positive way. You can probably think of something else more clever than my original idea, but I think you get the point cause restarting the server with events that run by the clock is a little bit stretched (I just couldn't think of something better yet in terms of development). The economy is old player / donators driven 100% and I can prove that in numerous ways [ capitalism driven ]. First things first, there are people in the server that have donated a lot (which is good for the server's health as well) I've been a L2 server owner and I know the importance of donates (from every possible way that you can think of) - meaning that it's also a job that needs to be paid, nothing comes for free - besides the server's expenses and I'm literally 100% positive with that. These people though tend to have numerous bot accounts that farm Chaos Castle (for flames) and won't let any new player get his chance for a trophy as well (so economy swaps a bit as well - just a bit) - and I'm pretty sure I will get a lot of hatred from these guys but I think it's fair enough for everyone. I would also like to point out that I'm close to being those guys - gear related. I think you get the point as well and I think that you can manage to alter this situation even to the slightest cause at my consideration it will give newer people the chance to develop but ALSO gain a positive thinking about the server and why not even donate more, which in return might bring also new players cause of new ads etc. Again, just an idea. Thinking of it right now it would be best to literally avoid PETS at Chaos Castles at all, that might actually give everyone a fair try for the trophy OR limit Chaos Castle joins by 1 person per IP ?. Raise the PK cost (especially on recurring PKers) in general and sorry for saying that cause it might sound racist but most of the player's within the server that have a bad tendency to do that are Vietnamese folks. So to be precise and honest, I literally don't have anything against them I'm actually friends with a few that are legit good guys but there's also a lot of them that act like 1 year old babies, ruining the gameplay experience and making us angry as well over a game that it's supposed to be fun for everyone ?. The saddest part is that they're gathering people to PK you within every possible way just cause you took something from them or disrespected them in some form within their own heads. They also multi-account tribute farm and that's a fact, which in my consideration is breaking the server's economy - another bad point. To wrap it up, I realize that PK is part of the game in every possible aspect and I know that that's how the game works and if you have to deal with an army of people just cause they hate you, you will just have to deal with it, but - there's a but! You can just raise the PK cost and duration especially on repeating PKers - I bet there's a way to track that easily and apply certain rules for it. Those were my suggestions for my 2 months of gameplay in this server and I would like to point out that it's indeed a great server and I'm having loads of fun even with an army of people against me and some of my friends as well. Keep up the good work, loving it. Finishing, I'm suggesting all of those changes that I've mentioned cause they might actually bring new people to the server and with a proper merge later on you guys might have a quite balanced an decent server that performs even to the slightest better, no disrespect of course by any chance! Thank you very much for reading and sorry for the long post! Have a lovely day, cheers! ?
  2. 1 point
    Сейчас по поводу шмота варианта два. -Либо екс+ДД+ХХ+ХХ (тут у каждого класса индивидуально у АЕ ДД+Рейт+....У ЕЕ ДД+МАНА+.. и т.д.) Причем желательно собирать сеты высокого "уровня" так как чем лучше сет тем больше он дает сет бонус (баф деф и дмж и т.п.). -Либо анц сеты (в основном используют последние 1-2 сета) актуально для СМ/МГ для остальных тоже можно но не нужно. Оружие сейчас актуально использовать только +фулл либо с дропа (падает с коробок высокого уровня) с хорошими опциями желательно 3-4 опции (тот же сет бонус добавляется от кол-ва опций)+рейт+2%+ХХ+ХХ. Все это должно быть минимум +13+лак Камни не ценяться. Ценятся предметы имеющие 2-3-4 хорошие опции на них в основном можно подняться на рынке
  3. 1 point
    1. поставь дистанцию на минимум,будет стрелять не по кругу,а хаотично по сторонам будет стрелка бегать. Ну а скорость уже будет зависить от агилити) 2. да в игре=)
  4. 1 point
    Салют. Добро пожаловать ? 1. Данный кликер используем просто для кача. Он же работает не так,как ранее,а теперь можно настроить его на F9 и когда ты поставишь персонажа на F6 на кач,к тебе люди сами смогут зайти в парти без твоего присутствия. Так же и ты можешь зайти к кому то если нехватает в парти именно твоего класса. А статы раскидываются теперь очень просто,например /addstr 500 /addagi 500 /addvit 500 /addene 500 /addcom 500 2. Полосы можно убрать в настройках нажав на букву ''O''
  5. 1 point
    Люди создали вакцину против COVID-19, интересно, есть ли вакцина против Bless Universe? ?
  6. 1 point
    Ну ладно, подождём ещё, Mu еще никого так просто не оптускала ?
  7. 1 point
    We mainly announce on the day of the quest on the forum and discord, turn on notifications and topic tracking to immediately know about the upcoming quest
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