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About gundarsa

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  1. gundarsa

    Lost zen

    Today 02/03/2024 around 22:15 I lost 500kk zen from my character after whidrawing zen from the bank, i logged off to do guild tribute. At that point it went missing from the character. Login gundarsa, character Caurums. server mega x100 hope you can fix the issue
  2. Where is it? It doesn't scale any wizardry damage from MG sword or staff in the offhand slot. I did many tests and the off hand wizardry damage does not add to damage.
  3. Can you undo that or is it gone forever?
  4. Auch. This makes me sad. Why is it even possible. I can't sell lowest grade item with 4 opt that nobody wants or needs, but fenrir, ya its ok.. My bad i guess.
  5. 1. Character - Caurums, Account - gundarsa, Server - Empire 500x normal. 2. Farmed and crafted by myself in game. 3. Last login before item was lost - 22.07.2022. Logged off after finishing endless tower (didn't wear the mount, but it was in the inventory. Next login with realisation of item lost - 24.07.2022. after 12:00 4. Item was gone when i logged on. 5. Red fenrir, 253 hp(if i remember that correctly). I added a picture of inventory slots, where I remember i saw it last time. 6. Safety is always on for me.
  6. Having error while in lorencia "Monster606.bmp does not exist" and some other monster bmp in dungeon
  7. There is something wrong with my game. I cannot refine gemstones, and it shows that i need to put in 3rd wings. This is broken for me. It shows i can create dark horse from this item, but it does nothing when i click refine. Also Chaos machine is bugged for me, I have to craft chaos weapon in last option "Item option combination"
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