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About chung1101

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  1. Я владелец аккаунта BridgetVN
    Раньше у меня были общие учетные записи с несколькими людьми
    Я не знаю, использовал ли кто-нибудь из них что-то недействительное
    Я надеюсь, что вы примете во внимание и дадите мне штраф в соответствии с законом 2.2, который заключается в блокировке моей учетной записи на 7 или 30 дней.
    тогда я могу заплатить штраф за это неправильно
    Я действительно не знаю никого, кто делает это
    Я только вчера купил VIP на 90 дней для своего аккаунта
    я надеюсь, что вы дадите мне шанс, потому что это мое первое нарушение учетной записи
    Я вложил много усилий в этот аккаунт
  2. My account is not only used by me Since it's my account, I won't complain about the violation I just want to say that I have been with bless for a not short time I hope the admin gives first time offenders a chance to do it again because this is the server I've been with the longest ever
  3. I know i want a chance because this is the first time my account broke the law and i don't have any offensive words
  4. Hello BeL4eNaK

    I am the account holder BridgetVN


    I have shared accounts with several people before
    I don't know if any of them used something invalid
    I hope you consider and give me the penalty according to law 2.2 which is to lock my account for 7 or 30 days
    then I can pay the penalty for that wrong
    I really don't know anyone who does this
    I just bought 90 days vip for my account yesterday
    i hope you give me a chance because this is my first time account violation
    I put a lot of effort into that account
  5. maybe one of the people I lent the account to used something invalid But under section 2.2 I can be banned for 7 - 30 days for the first violation why am i banned forever I put a lot of effort and money into my account I hope for some relief from you
  6. hello BeL4eNaK with all due respect to the manager I don't understand your picture Can you give me a video explanation comparing the difference between me and others? I have been with Bless for a long time can you give me a video
  7. Hi admin Why is my account locked? from this accusation I need an explanation
  8. you don't have a pet equip only 1 item with hp how do you get 400k hp i have demon + duranium fo pvp +15 look at you before you compare with me
  9. why him: Krause can enter the castle while the guard gate is not open
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