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About mt01

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  1. mt01


    Why don't you use your own video when you fight me. I kill you all the time. it uses external software to beat me without being jerked is correct.
  2. Насколько я вижу, он единственный, кто не причиняет никакого вреда, и он намеренно болтает, чтобы записать видео без всякой цели.
  3. Он перелогинился и до сих пор не понимает, почему один твой персонаж не влияет на урон. И вы намеренно размещаете такой чат в игре, чтобы пожаловаться на него?
  4. mt01


    1. My nickname: -Avenger-2. Game server: Deus3. Which rule clause was violated: 2.14. Nickname of the offender: -MissYou-5. Proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79VT25AJmSw&t=29s
  5. 1) Server x10002) Your nickname -MTri-ADM3) What exactly are you buying/selling: Wing of storm +11 + luck + return + exl dmg + crit dmg4) What exactly are you getting from the other party: 6500 PP clean5) Nick of the second party (if you're the second party - your nick) Knife6) How the deal will be done (the second party should agree to this point and just write - agree) he will send pp on account zgames (acc i will give him in pm) then i will give him wings in trade7) Confirmation, that you fully read the rules of contractual deals and are aware of the risks. The second person might not fulfill his part of a deal and you will lose everything. agree
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