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Everything posted by thaiduytb1

  1. always use words to provoke others, then pretend to be innocent
  2. Then when you get killed, you cry again
  3. 1.Why didn't you mention you killed clones in dungeon2?
  4. Live Guard has no effect other than giving you lag . We need admin to clarify! We do not support cheating! But there also needs to be a fair manager
  5. he exited the game 5 times .He have to restart your computer to get through the gate. We do not protect cheaters. If it's true, he cheated! We will not protect.
  6. If admin does not give a satisfactory answer! We will disband the guild! Let the guard mod play alone
  7. By the way, my comment was deleted here because I said raska doesn't understand anything about the game!
  8. 1. I'm Not talking about Guard Having 3 game Mods And Clearly favoring them even we VietNamese Players are gradually quittinh beacause of them ! They always want to benefit from winning successful battles, Using all kinds of tricks to bring down all opponents 2.The Admin put all of Guard's opponent's team live while Guard had no members live. 3.Is it true that just by watching videos and predicting you can accurately determine your work? Once my account is active, you can definitely check it out! 4.The server is empty because players are so upset with the game admin's handling of the game.We need to explain why you locked your account in an unclear way. Meanwhile, it's just a normal move 5. 6.
  9. NoodDw he was banned on x10 side. Please return the account to his friend
  10. This job needs to change! for the game can be more exciting
  11. Two-faced people like you quit the game! Thanks a lot
  12. when he's on top he laughs at you! when he was laughed at, he acted like he was a pitiful innocent person! I respect my opponent very much! But zombies have never deserved those two words!
  13. when he's on top he laughs at you! when he was laughed at, he acted like he was a pitiful innocent person! I respect my opponent very much! But zombies have never deserved those two words!
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