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About slaydzi

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  1. 1) Server (x777 Vegas)2) Your nickname -Monty-3) What exactly are you buying/selling - account with achievments from GauVN (acc name manhbkk14) What exactly are you getting from the other party full access with email connected to acc manhbkk15) Nick of the second party GauVN6) How the deal will be done (I will purchase bons from gauvn on the market for 2500webbons and after that he will give me a full acccess to his account and email connected to the acc)7) Confirmation, that you fully read the rules of contractual deals and are aware of the risks. The second person might not fulfill his part of a deal and you will lose everything.
  2. What is wrong in calling myself papa? In real life I am a father, so I call myself papa wherever. I did not include any of YOUR relatives, called myself. But of course you disagree with "anti"
  3. 1. My nickname: for example: RaKe2. Game server: Vegas3. Which rule clause was violated: 4.34. Nickname of the offender: https://mu.bless.gs/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=iTunes&serv=server45. Proof:
  4. 4.3. It is forbidden to mention relatives and family in verbal altercations, in any context, and interpretation. Did i mention any relatives here calling MYSELF papa?
  5. how is that offending? go explain neistovvy since you are the one who kept insulting, together with your friend iTunes i think what he said in russian is an insult:)
  6. Great idea! 100% agree @Real_Carnage , even though I live in Europe, i still think it should be fair to everyone
  7. 1) VEGAS x7772) -Monty-3) What exactly are you buying/selling - selling a basilisk sword+11+pvp+10%+2% 4) What exactly are you getting from the other party (if you're the second party, then what you get from the first party) - 900wbons +tax onto account slaydzis5) Nick of the second party (if you're the second party - your nick) -Parazit- (wispa07 acc name)6) How the deal will be done (the second party should agree to this point and just write - agree) - once i get wbons transferred onto my account i will trade my basilisk to -Parazit-7) Confirmation, that you fully read the rules of contractual deals and are aware of the risks. The second person might not fulfill his part of a deal and you will lose everything. I confirm i read the rules
  8. i confirm i have received DP set and sent bonuses
  9. 1) x777 VEGAS2) -Monty-3) buying dark phoenix set +11+l+dd+ref4) What exactly are you getting from the other party - dark phoenix set +11+l+dd+ref5) Nick of the second party - -Priority-6) How the deal will be done (the second party should agree to this point and just write - agree) I will receive the set from Priority first and then i will transfer 500 wbon +tax to his account sambuka9877) Confirmation, that you fully read the rules of contractual deals and are aware of the risks. The second person might not fulfill his part of a deal and you will lose everything. I confirm I read the rules
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