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Found 26 results

  1. zzxc11


    1. Ritu032. Avalon3. 4.24. https://mu.bless.gs/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=MrDJ&serv=server3 5.
  2. Hi Admins, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you today as an active member of the Mu Online Bless community. Over the past few months, I've observed a decline in player activity on our current server. As someone deeply invested in the game, I am concerned about the sustainability of our community in its current state. In light of this, I propose a solution that I believe will benefit both the players and the overall health of the Mu Online Bless experience: the merger of our server with the x10 server.I understand that server mergers involve logistical challenges and careful planning. However, I believe that the long-term benefits far outweigh the short-term complexities. I urge the management team to consider this proposal seriously and initiate discussions with the relevant stakeholders. You may think that this is just my personal one-sided opinion. Therefore, I hope that you can deploy a vote so that everyone can contribute their opinions. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and collaborating with you to make our vision a reality. Sincerely, Mu4Life x50.
  3. 1. Мой ник: Kpacomka 2. Игровой сервер: Avalon3. Какой пункт правил нарушен: 4.2.14. Ник нарушителя: mood0 https://mu.bless.gs/ru/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=mood0&serv=server3 , neKs https://mu.bless.gs/ru/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=neKs&serv=server35. Доказательство: Данный индивиидум , очень любит мое внимание , поэтому решил еще что то мне сказать позже..... Чуть чуть позже решил и neKs подключиться к mood0 Этот булинг все так и продолжается
  4. only = pp S>> MG -200 > 380q, +100%(Fruits), +2k(Bought), 1.4Rq S>> set anc Gaion +13 +luck +28 | Gloves exe +13 +luck +x S>> Basilisk +13 +luck +28 +xx +PVP S>> Atlantis +13 +luck +28 +xx +PVP S>> w4 +15 opt x S>> Demon S>> Account 177 achievements +mail | + 2k Bonsv S>> ring ice/posion +12 > xxx
  5. Buy Guardian Pants (Server Avalon x50) Luck DD Maná
  6. Sell (avalon): Hurricane set+13 Gloves+13+L+DD+HP+10 SD ratio Armor+13+L+DD+10 SD ratio Pants+13+L+DD+Zen+10 SD ratio Boots+13+L+DD+8% DD Pendant of Ability+Rate+2%+mana Ring of Magic+DD+Rate+Hp+Mana4% Ring of Magic+DD+Ref+Hp Ring of Magic+DD+Ref+Mana4% Crystal Staff+12+L+mana Staff of Destruction+12+FO(without Life8) Greatsword of Atlantis+12+L+Speed+Mana+Min/Max harm Eternal Staff+11+L+Rate Flamberge+13+L+R+Lvl20+20 SD decr GM 48 res 187quest https://mu.bless.gs/ru/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=MrWhite&serv=server3 with or without items OFFER here or pm in game - Mullsanne
  7. Fast B> BK 45-50 RR = bon (Avalon x50) Good to have high quests number > 200. PM please. Thanks
  8. 1) Server: Avalon2) Your nickname : TpaBKa3) What exactly are you buying/selling : https://mu.bless.gs/ru/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=TpaBKa&serv=server34) 2 lvl wingi+13+luck+ignore+mana,Plate set +11+luck+ref+dd,Basilisk sword+13+luck+rate+20lvl,Dragon shield+13+luck+dd+ref+hp, +zen set+anc set Offer pp
  9. S> Sleepwalker +15 = offer PM
  10. Босс пропал во время ЕТ. в дальнейшем он так и не появился
  11. S>5300 DIRTY BON =2800 PP (x50 AVALON)
  12. Предлагаю совершить обмен фенриров между серверами. Вы отдаете мне red fenrir на х50 Avalon серверe, а взамен получаете от меня Violet fenrir на х1 мастер сервере. Если интересно напишите в пм и мы сможем договориться.. I want trade fenrir pets between servers. I need red fenrir on avalon х50 server and ill give you violet fenrir on x1 master server instead. If you are interested you can write me to PM and we will do it.
  13. SELL SM 50 rr Aces Eclipse set+11 Wings of Eternal+11 (Luck+Ignor+28add) Eternal Staff+15 (non exe) 363 Quest Rquest stats - 567 https://mu.bless.gs/ru/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=xDrive&serv=server3 OFFER ONLY PP (Thank you)
  14. Buy SM Куплю См I have 1000 pp clean 1000 пп чистых offer PM me Пишите в ПМ
  15. Sell Dark Lord 48 resets and 244 quests for web bonuses/bon server, Set Bronze +13 dd+ref+harmony +8% DD , accept any offers if interested text me
  16. B> 3 wings +0-9 для крафта пишите в личку
  17. S> BK 48 res (x50) + acc 61 ach clear mail = ONLY PP
  18. Почему брали шарды?должно было быть 16 штук ,стало 5,замены на какую то адекватную награду не увидел.имел ли смысл в этом?
  19. Обменяю выше указанные на фотках два предмета на один scepter +12 +all с excellent damage rate!
  20. B > BK shield top grade = pp B > Shard of condor = Bon web B > dark Phoenix - pants - helm - boots - ref dd + 11 = 700 pp T > 10 jewel of luck = 15 shard of condor
  21. 1) x50 Avlon2) KOLYAGARAJ3) Покупаю/Buying BK PinX, (+Wings 3+11, +Basilisk Sword+15 2% rate+ ring ref dd)4) покупаю на акк pinpekon10000pp zgames. (Donate 10k pp on zgames acc: pinpekon)5) PinX6) Я покупаю PP, хозяин аккаунта zgames проверяет всё ли в порядке, после этого получаю пароль от него и на рынке забираю БК. / I buy PP, the owner of the zgames account checks if everything is in order, after that I receive a password from him and take the BK in the market7) Полностью прочитал правила договорных сделок и принимаю все риски. I have fully read the rules of contractual transactions and accept all risks.
  22. Hello everyone, I'm opening a set of referrals on the server: Avalon x50 Here's the referral link: https://mu.bless.gs/r/?465240 If you register under it, you agree to all the following conditions: After registering via the link, you must unsubscribe your login in this topic and after taking a certain resat (will be listed below) you must unsubscribe in the topic, they say took 25 res, acc "VALERA WANTS BONE", after receiving a bonus, please unsubscribe again in this topic (who will not write, from that penalty) Also, please do not register at the link of those who are going to swing to 1 star for half a year! What do I offer you for registering through my link: https://mu.bless.gs/r/?465240 - upon reaching the 25th reset: 10 bonuses + 100 net bonuses from me; - upon reaching the 35th reset: 20 bonuses + 250 net bonuses from me; - upon reaching the 45th reset: 45 bonuses + 400 net bonuses from me. Total: 825 net bonuses for 45 resets. All the bonuses that I will receive and personally from me that will be, I pay in pure form by transfer or through the market. Referral offers will be valid until I close the achievement, upon completion of reaching, bonuses will be paid in their pure form, but without extras from me, only what comes from the server. NOBODY CANCELED CONTRACTUAL TRANSACTIONS!!!
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