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Ivan Nebraska

Rewards for streaming

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Right now we actively cooperate with streamers of all nationalities and any number of subscribers. However, we look at the activity of the audience.

Rules for counting rewards

  • Each stream must be at least 2 hours long. Rewards are issued for every 7 streaming days and look like this:
  • 500 server bonuses - the minimum fee if you've sent the link of each stream to a special chat in Discord, the recordings of all streams are on the channel, and you have a design for the channel and stream. Avatar, channel background, About section, scene change - Stream starting, Stream ending, other graphics. Stream frames can be a nice addition, but a full game screen is more welcome.
  • A microphone is a required attribute, up to +250 server bonuses are added for it - if you create an activity, answer questions in the chat and talk a lot. If your microphone is turned on, but the streamer is silent for most of the stream, the increase will be minimal.
  • up to +250 server bonuses - webcam on stream, turned on throughout most of the stream. Conventionally, you can go to the toilet and turn off for 10 minutes, but if the streamer appears in the frame for 10 minutes during the entire stream, the increase will also be small.
  • +50% will be added to the amount of the bonuses if the streams go for 6 hours or more

Streaming Rules

  1. There should be no swearing on streams (or very minimal).
  2. While you are streaming our project, you cannot stream other similar projects, especially on our main page. If you decide to leave your position as a streamer with us to stream another project, please notify us in advance. Otherwise, you will be suspended from streaming our project. In the future, we have the right not to add you to the main page if you decide to return to stream another project.
  3. At the beginning of the name of each stream, there should be a link to our project website - "mu.bless.gs".
  4. Standing in the AFK for more than 15 minutes from the entire stream will result in a reduction or complete non-payment for a particular stream. Leave AFK content outside of streams.
  5. In connection with recent events, I think it is necessary to mention that it is prohibited to insult and slander the administration by conducting streams sponsored by it. The punishment is removal from streaming on the main page.
  6. If you start a stream from the intro screen, it should hang for no more than 10 minutes.
  7. Streams must be conducted in the MU Online Twitch category.
  8. At the end of a week of streams, you must provide stream statistics. We will use it to evaluate and reward you.
  9. If you decide to stream another game after MU Bless Online project, you have to remove "mu.bless.gs" from your stream title.

Streamer Promo Codes

In the donate section, your viewers can enter a streamer's Promo Code or a player's invitation number to become your referral. Within 60 minutes of entering the promo code, you'll have the opportunity to receive additional lottery tickets with your first donation. Promo code usage is available if you've spent less than 100 hours in the game on a specific server (for the viewers to enter).

If you have a really low audience activity, you will not receive any bonuses at all.

Additional bonuses are given or taken away depending on activity on streams and own audience of followers.

If you have ideas for holding new, original events, there are additional payments for them separately from 200 bonuses (depending on the event) + prizes for the winners from us too.

If you are interested, write to Discord ID: drakon1s

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3 минуты назад, yraffe1212 сказал:

If i stream two times in a day, for example one in morning and another one in evening, it is 2/7?

it will be counted as 1 day

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1 минуту назад, blesskoost сказал:

what if i dont turn off stream ever? cus my pc on 24/7


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As you can see from the main page of the site, there are a lot of streamers, and even despite the addition of a microphone as a mandatory requirement to get to the main site, most of the streamers do not develop their channels in any way, roughly speaking "fulfilling the minimum norm" and receiving bonuses.

Based on the statistics collected every week from streamers, we decided to do the following:

Streamers whose channels are under the spoiler have had good activity for several weeks and will continue to receive rewards.

Some streamers have been removed from the main page for stream replays, poor channel art, and insults/foul language on streams. Check your Discord roles.

Those who are not on the list either have not streamed in the last 2 weeks, or are not up to par in activity. If you don't see yourself on the list, you can continue to stream on the main page, gaining an audience and improving the quality of your streams until you reach the top ones. We will evaluate you according to the following criteria:

  1. The activity of the streamer on his stream, including the ability to constantly communicate by voice
  2. The activity of the streamer's audience on streams
  3. Picture and sound quality
  4. Channel design as a matter of course

Thus, we limit the threshold for receiving bonuses. The message is that whoever tries hard enough, will be able to develop and gain an audience, will receive rewards from us. And who does not try, making minimal effort, will no longer be rewarded.

Another small announcement. When servers decrease in activity, usually during summer, the rewards received by streamers will be reduced by 30%. 3 months from the opening of a new server - rewards return to their previous values.

Everyone who is already on the main page can finish a week of streams at the old rates. Then, over the summer, there will be a reduction in the number of rewards received for the remaining streamers and those who can stream at their level.

In the future, more adjustments will be made to the system.

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As people still are trying to scam the requirements to get bonuses and no measures help fight it, as well as to remove streamers from heavy influence to the server economy, we decided to:

1) Remove further rewards for almost all of the streamers (stay notified if you keep receiving the salary)
2) From now on, rewards will be in server bonuses (on the new server start web bonuses again for some time)
3) If you have some unpayed streams, please pm me, you will receive rewards in server bonuses for stream days
Starting from tomorrow though, no further streams will be rewarded, unless notified

The rewards will be back at the launch of the next server. How exactly, you will find out closer to the opening

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New changes in the streaming system.

From the launch of Jade x10, the following changes await the streaming system:

1) Anyone can get to the main page and start streaming, but there will be only 10 paid places
2) Starting from September 21 to October 2, you need to stream at least 7 days and send statistics to my Discord to evaluate activity and get into the top 10 paid streamers. The list of paid streamers will be announced on October 3 and on the same day, everyone from the top 10 will receive bonuses for their streams.
3) The list will be updated every week, when newbies will outscale by activity streamers from the top

Rewards to streamers will be sent in full in server bonuses until the next decrease in activity in the game (will be announced in this thread).

If you want to be added to the main page, please contact me in Discord - Ivan Nebraska#7980

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On 9/15/2023 at 5:05 PM, Ivan Nebraska said:

New changes in the streaming system.

From the launch of Jade x10, the following changes await the streaming system:

1) Anyone can get to the main page and start streaming, but there will be only 10 paid places
2) Starting from September 21 to October 2, you need to stream at least 7 days and send statistics to my Discord to evaluate activity and get into the top 10 paid streamers. The list of paid streamers will be announced on October 3 and on the same day, everyone from the top 10 will receive bonuses for their streams.
3) The list will be updated every week, when newbies will outscale by activity streamers from the top

Rewards to streamers will be sent in full in server bonuses until the next decrease in activity in the game (will be announced in this thread).

If you want to be added to the main page, please contact me in Discord - Ivan Nebraska#7980

In order for active streamers to have more comfortable working conditions, 500 bonuses per month can be received in web bonuses

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In order not to tie the day of reporting statistics to a specific day and to preserve the opportunity for streamers to stream whenever they want, the top 10 system as such will no longer exist. Streamers can submit statistics for 7 days of streams at any convenient time.

Also, in order to make life even more difficult for freeloaders who stream only for bonuses, when calculating rewards, the emphasis will be placed primarily on the activity of the streamer’s audience. After that, we will be looking to the webcam, content and so on. Only streamers with excellent regular activity will be able to receive rewards

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On 9/25/2023 at 3:06 PM, Ivan Nebraska said:

In order for active streamers to have more comfortable working conditions, 500 bonuses per month can be received in web bonuses

Almost 3 months have passed since the server openening and this bonus is cancelled. However, it will definitely return in the future

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Lúc này Vuduchien mới nói:

Tôi muốn biết làm sao để đăng ký ,làm việc cùng bắt đầu công việc.

I want to know how to register, work and start working

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On 2/15/2024 at 10:39 AM, orochi24 said:

question can i stream diferent games in same account?¿

Technically you can, but you should remove mu.bless.gs on your stream title so it won't appear on the website. Also, please note that you are not allowed to stream other project in case you got accepted to stream MU Bless.

Edited by Real_Carnage

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22 hours ago, vuduchien said:

I want to know how to register, work and start working

You should write to Ivan Nebraska on Discord and let him know you wanted to apply as a streamer. He will send you the requirements, along with the rules.

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