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BeL4eNaK Is a very bad manager

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1. I'm Not talking about Guard Having 3 game Mods And Clearly favoring them even we VietNamese Players are gradually quittinh beacause of them ! They always want to benefit from winning successful battles, Using all kinds of tricks to bring down all opponents

2.The Admin put all of Guard's opponent's team live while Guard had no members live.

3.Is it true that just by watching videos and predicting you can accurately determine your work? Once my account is active, you can definitely check it out!

4.The server is empty because players are so upset with the game admin's handling of the game.We need to explain why you locked your account in an unclear way. Meanwhile, it's just a normal move





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By the way, my comment was deleted here because I said raska doesn't understand anything about the game!


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5 минут назад, thaiduytb1 сказал:

By the way, my comment was deleted here because I said raska doesn't understand anything about the game!


What I know and what I don't know shouldn't bother you. I have my own job, what am I doing here, and it’s not for you or others to talk about it.
If you don’t know how to play normally without macros or anything else, then that’s your problem. Don't interfere with me.


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If admin does not give a satisfactory answer! We will disband the guild! Let the guard mod play alone
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20 minutes ago, thaiduytb1 said:

By the way, my comment was deleted here because I said raska doesn't understand anything about the game!


This is not a surprise, Drakonis DELETE ALL my messages about him or about his job here. Calm down, it is ok here 😄 

@Aliancer надеюсь pallachh99 получит бан за дабл пост в тюрьме?

Edited by wrecked
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We are not looking for any kind of tricks to benefit from, we just want a fair gameplay without any cheats. While -Atula- a.k.a (-Homiez-) is benefiting from using cheats, he was already banned once. Sadly, history repeats. 

I think it should be clear why he got banned. There was another report submitted on -Atula- via website "Report ticket" for admins to check, where he used some sort of cheats during Castle Siege. At start we thought it's re-sync or he is using "Alt +f4", I pm'd him during Siege to check if his character goes offline at any time, but he was online at all times. Second and Third time he appeared out of nowhere we understood something is not right and that he might be using something. After text message was sent "Video is recording" there were no more mysterious appearances.  

As you have made a video, proves nothing at all why there is such behavior. I think its time to just man up and admit that -Atula- was using cheats instead of trying to deny it while he knows he is using something. 
Hope this answer helps you to understand why he got banned. 
And let's try keep our server healthy from cheats and keep it alive. 

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It was a network problem and I was disconnected, had to log back many times and change another account to play. That's what my guid testified, and won't have to explain your nonsense

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3 hours ago, qBaccaa said:

We are not looking for any kind of tricks to benefit from, we just want a fair gameplay without any cheats. While -Atula- a.k.a (-Homiez-) is benefiting from using cheats, he was already banned once. Sadly, history repeats. 

I think it should be clear why he got banned. There was another report submitted on -Atula- via website "Report ticket" for admins to check, where he used some sort of cheats during Castle Siege. At start we thought it's re-sync or he is using "Alt +f4", I pm'd him during Siege to check if his character goes offline at any time, but he was online at all times. Second and Third time he appeared out of nowhere we understood something is not right and that he might be using something. After text message was sent "Video is recording" there were no more mysterious appearances.  

As you have made a video, proves nothing at all why there is such behavior. I think its time to just man up and admit that -Atula- was using cheats instead of trying to deny it while he knows he is using something. 
Hope this answer helps you to understand why he got banned. 
And let's try keep our server healthy from cheats and keep it alive. 

Давно простые смертные рассказывают на форуме кого и за что забанили? :shockot:

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When I passed through the gate with my teammates, the connection to the server was completely lost, this happened 3-4 times. At that time I was constantly talking on discord. And had to turn off the game and then go back in, until after 10 minutes I had to change characters and the problem continued, but it was stable again. 

This unusual occurrence has all the evidence from the players, not just me. IMOX-Slayer, Ritu, Baby Shark... You can check the CS history via video about me losing connection. It's the game's fault, I didn't receive an apology but instead a ban, it's unreasonable


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First of all, I want to give kudos to creators of this server - you have done some amazing things here, and most of the time people write only about negatives.
Also to the administration, I know this job can be furstrating.
Good Job!

I wanted to give my 5 cents here.

About Atulas ban:
I have looked at the video from Atulas report, I understand it can be interpreted as cheating from clients perspective with very good network connection,
BUT if you assume Atulas network could have went from normal ping (relative to him) like 100-200ms, to 1s or more, then many anomalies can happen.
Of course net code for this server seems to be very awesome, but still, can't avoid some anomalies.

I did some experiments (for educational purposes, please don't ban me) "synthetically" increasing my ping to ~600 ms up and ~600 ms down.
This is the first ping delay in which I saw some messed up stuff :D Here's a video: Lag simulation in mu bless
Obviously its from my perspective, but thing to pay attention to is - when combo pops and I deal damage to the dummy, my location is way away from it (and throw back didn't happen after combo). This means that such kind of anomalies can happen.

If the decision for banning Atula happened from same logs, that shows that I had speedhack from 05:30 to 06:00 11.01.2024 (GMT+2 char Enkss), then what happened could be cause of lags.

About Guards relationship with LiveGuard:
About this unfortunately, I have nothing nice to say, it just seems plain out wrong.
I, of course, do not know what is the deciding factor for putting people "randomly" in LiveGuards list, but the fact that no players from GuarD guild aren't in it, seems wrong.
Only guild which contains members that are also Administrators is the guild that also the same Administrators trust 100% although they are the most controversial players, same as other top guilds.
I have nothing against Admins playing the game, I think it's awesome strategy, but for that I think target is to keep bias to a minimum. Which again is not the case here, as from my perspective all of "GuarD" players are considered 100% legit by the administration.

P.S. From my experience with usual trashy private MU online servers, usually when admins decide something they don't review the (what other people call it) crying afterwards. But I think MU bless is the special one - much love! 🥰

Best regards,
MU for life <3

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I’m just gonna lay some suggestion in here for the sake of the avalon server maybe to boost some players that we have a fair game and not easily getting banned without a fair investigation.

Why won’t the admins do what they did when alot of complains for noobdw. when they try his pc/copy character stats and set. live it and invite players to watch the investigation. 

just an idea i know it will take more stuff to do on your plate but just to ease the mind of the players of avalon that it’s really a fair investigation  @Ivan Nebraska @BeL4eNaK no hate just suggesting some idea.


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