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Mega / ThangHai / 3.1

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1. My nickname: QuocHung
2. Game server: Mega
3. Which rule was violated: 3.1
4. Nickname of the offender: ThangHai
5. Proof: Running around BA to kill afk zen farmers with rudolph until he became a phonoman. He saw me coming and quickly ALT+F4. I was also killed by him, that is why I was searching for him until I saw him became a phonoman and quickly ALT+F4. After that, I tried to pm him and he is offline. This is probably his extra account to kill people around, not sure which is his main.


Edited by X-Laws

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The problem of killing farm zen + jewel people is normal!!

If he doesn't kill you but just exits, it's not a violation, but if he kills you and then exits, it's a violation, because after the 30-second command expires , he can exit

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6 hours ago, gl552jxx said:

The problem of killing farm zen + jewel people is normal!!

Yes it is normal, but killing until becoming a phonoman and exits using ALT+F4 to prevent getting killed is a violation to the rules. If you want to kill, be prepared to get killed, not ALT+F4 and run. 

6 hours ago, gl552jxx said:

If he doesn't kill you but just exits, it's not a violation, but if he kills you and then exits, it's a violation, because after the 30-second command expires , he can exit

Yes, he did kill me that is why I know he ALT+F4. He can exit with switch character/select server after self-defense is diminished. But it did not diminish, that is why he is using the bug/shortcut with ALT+F4 to exit to prevent getting killed. 🤣


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В 14.03.2024 в 20:04, R.A.S.K.A сказал:

Anti. For 3.1 rule we need video. Hawe you Video ?


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