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I suggest that dinorant wont loose HP during pvp. People who crafted demons , seraphs or fenrirs has too much of difference in damage to balance that i think dinoorant stats 20  damage 15 absorb would be good for newbies like me who after 5000 hours still in 2nd wings and have no pet.

And pets like demons already give more than twice of those stats - problem is that dinorant dies to fast in pvp.

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Yes we need something to close the gap maybe new tear of pets which would be before Black fenrir.

Craft could involve red Fenrir + 10 dinorants and it could have immortal dinorant with some extra hp and some other usual pet stats.

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Dinorant is not a PVP pet, it was designed for PVE from the beginning and it should not be involved in PVP. Demon, Seraph and Fenrirs are PVP pets, this is why they were designed for PVP .

Dinorant is strictly to allow access of low resets chars to zones like Tarkan 2, Ikarus, BC 5 - 7, DS 4 - 5 and be able to survive without much struggle or offer support in survivability. This is why it was designed, not for PVP. Same for Angel and Satan, both PVE. They can be used in PVP just like Dinorant, but as you can see they were not designed for that and die fast.

I don't think anyone will change anything in regards to this.

Edited by unair
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I think something like this would be MAYBE? nice, not completely sure, but i think its nice idea, definitely need to make it so you can't join cc with it though 😄, but for noobs, defense and little extra damage is nice for pvp, this would kinda balance all the top players that make themself pets in first months ^^, maybe it should be +/- damage 10-15% and absorb 10% (maybe even less). Also maybe it needs to be a pet like satan (not rideable) so mg can use it also in mass pvp.

But probably this will go over head, and we will never be hear from this again, but also maybe it needs to be a pet like satan (not rideable) so mg can use it also in mass pvp. 
The craft should probably be so that everyone can do it, but with a little bit of effort.
I think this is nice idea so it helps a little against donators.

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If we boost PvE pets to be PvP viable, the pet market dies. Right now, people still pick up satans and unicorns because they sell, and this drives the economy. Leave it at that. Satan and Dino are already powerful for how easy to get they are.

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On jade i have 500+ satans none buy them ;/

Just make satan and horse 10000 times more rare drop not ewen kiding and make them a part of some kinda recipe Dinorant+satan+Redfenrir dor damage users, Red fenrir+dinorant+angel for defense and for balanced make same just with different combination which involve red fenrir.


For now end game gear has way too much power and pets add more than 40% flat so new people have no chance to compete in annything just bay the fact that pets costs a LOT and there is no gap closer you either have it or you dont.

Edited by ducbk1

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6 hours ago, sixpaths said:

If we boost PvE pets to be PvP viable, the pet market dies. Right now, people still pick up satans and unicorns because they sell, and this drives the economy. Leave it at that. Satan and Dino are already powerful for how easy to get they are.

not really, because if you make "pvp satan" it would give about 10% damage, it doesnt matter, because donator make helion 35% and demon 44% and absorb/defense same thing, it will just give little bit more chance for "noobs", but like i said before, the craft should be so that anyone can do it, but with a little effort.

Edited by -Koostiso-
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В 02.05.2024 в 10:02, kulx сказал:

I suggest that dinorant wont loose HP during pvp. People who crafted demons , seraphs or fenrirs has too much of difference in damage to balance that i think dinoorant stats 20  damage 15 absorb would be good for newbies like me who after 5000 hours still in 2nd wings and have no pet.

And pets like demons already give more than twice of those stats - problem is that dinorant dies to fast in pvp.

its ur main character?

So u found 30000 bons for done with service achievement, found 5000 jewels to make jewel achievement but don't have 3lv wings? Its u problem. U farm and sell bons for what? 5000 jewels enought to make idk 10 Feathers easy. 10 feathers enought to make 4lvl wings and pet(Black Fenrir for example).

Now u ask for pets for VN farmers with 0 price creation. Nice purpose really. If u can make dino for 10 minuts it's must be die for that minutes. Who waste more time and bons, and make strong pets OF CRS have more def and dmg. 

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1. Well what if i said that i have 60 characters like this with 160+ tasks done ?

2. The main thing of this is to reduce massive i mean massive gap which appears with top end pets and mid geared people. I will repeat my self again pet literally multiplies all your stats by 1.4. And more gear you have the bigger gap it gets 40% isnt just a 40% its way much more for someone with top end set with full stats and is different story for someone with low set and low achievements and low guild buff and no vip all those are multiplied so if someone do not have any pet they are screwed and pets who are below black Fenrir is straight inferioir.


Edited by hoangdetn

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Red fenrir 5% is nothing it dosent close gap nowhere close. If red fenrir had 20% defense 20 % damage 4k life it would be ok. Now its pure garbage

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5 minutes ago, crue5 said:

Red fenrir 5% is nothing it dosent close gap nowhere close. If red fenrir had 20% defense 20 % damage 4k life it would be ok. Now its pure garbage

Yeah, why don't we boost all pets to the same power level, so that the only reason for upgrading them is for memes. Seriously. Red Fenrir is weak but sustainable, either you use it or pay for satans/dinos which provide HUGE stats for how cheap they are. I'm literally getting and selling over 10 satans a day, 10 satans is enough for a large PvP event.

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3 hours ago, sixpaths said:

Yeah, why don't we boost all pets to the same power level, so that the only reason for upgrading them is for memes. Seriously. Red Fenrir is weak but sustainable, either you use it or pay for satans/dinos which provide HUGE stats for how cheap they are. I'm literally getting and selling over 10 satans a day, 10 satans is enough for a large PvP event.

selling satans is relevant only for new server in older servers none care about it 🙂

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19 часов назад, crue5 сказал:

Red fenrir 5% is nothing it dosent close gap nowhere close. If red fenrir had 20% defense 20 % damage 4k life it would be ok. Now its pure garbage


19 часов назад, sixpaths сказал:

Yeah, why don't we boost all pets to the same power level, so that the only reason for upgrading them is for memes. Seriously. Red Fenrir is weak but sustainable, either you use it or pay for satans/dinos which provide HUGE stats for how cheap they are. I'm literally getting and selling over 10 satans a day, 10 satans is enough for a large PvP event.

Guys, can i ask u about main characters links. Thanks. 

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1 hour ago, Crаft said:


Guys, can i ask u about main characters links. Thanks. 

No, you can't.


17 hours ago, crue5 said:

selling satans is relevant only for new server in older servers none care about it 🙂

And yet on Jade they sell like fresh baked rolls. Jade isn't a new server by any means, it's actually in decline right now.

So you're telling me nobody is selling satans on your server? Well, maybe you should advertise that you want to buy them?

Edited by sixpaths
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