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Stadium mobs and quests

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So in stadium some BC mobs give quest progress some dont i noticed that mobs up to beast give progress but Knights, Sorceress and Soldiers dont - i think those mobs should give progress since getting BC tickets sometimes is  impossible bcs of lacking chaos drops

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It's far from impossible. You can get up to 30 cash points daily from voting, and that's a free ticket for ya. I do agree, though, that the mobs in Stadium should count towards quests.

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В 04.05.2024 в 23:45, hoangdetn сказал:

So in stadium some BC mobs give quest progress some dont i noticed that mobs up to beast give progress but Knights, Sorceress and Soldiers dont - i think those mobs should give progress since getting BC tickets sometimes is  impossible bcs of lacking chaos drops

It's all about monster's level. Orks and beasts from bc7 with high lvl, other monsters from bc6.

В 05.05.2024 в 02:06, hoangdetn сказал:

nobody play 1 character here 😄 so 30 cashpoint is nothing in that case. For example i have 5 characters so i need 5 times more cash point.

If u wanna farm jewels and zen from 5 characters with RQuest, u can sell that jewels and buy cash points. U choose this way by urself, so...

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