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ExcalibuR kill us and take our SPOT

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We hava a party 4 people in Tarkan 2 And ExcalibuR  come there ... i try to give party and tell me its hard with 2 MG and Kill me and other party players 😞 i have a Print Screen When Kill and when i speeak with HIM  .



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First of all, this is a PK game !! You can't ask someone not to kill you < while in the PK area >

Next, after the recent update, takan has become a chaos mining area, so it's very normal for you to afk there and get killed, every day there are dozens of MG/DL accounts afk farming chaos

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If killing on spots was prohibited I would be permabanned. I really enjoy killing multiaccounts Afk farming special loot monsters 🥰 Afk farming mafia is crazy on Vegas, like 20 accounts 24/7 just on hero mutants. Even maps like noria have many afk farming elves sniping fortune pouches etc. I recommend everyone kills 1 if you are white and see them 🥰 great feeling and you are making world better for active players hunting for loot when they have time

Edited by RealHarvest

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