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Merging - Jade to Mega

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Server Jade is merging with server Mega.
Hereinafter: Jade = moving server, Mega = receiving server.
Merging will happen as follows:

Characters from server the moving server will be transferred to the receiving server.

Only characters that have reached 1 reset will be transferred.

In case if you don’t have any characters on your account that have reached 1 reset, then no actions of transferring for your account will take place.

  • Up to 25 characters can be transferred, if you have enough free slots for them on your account. All free slots on the account can be filled with characters.
  • Characters having the highest number of resets and levels on your account will be transferred first; others in the descending order as long as there are enough free slots for them.
  • Along with the character all his items, inventory and Personal stored will be transferred.
  • Resets, stats, experience, skills, quests, Zen, fruits, quest-stats and everything else connected to the character will be transferred.

Account achievements are also transferred. Achievements from both servers will be summed up together. 

You will maintain your password from the server where you have more completed achievements.

Remaining VIP time is transferred as well.

Bonuses and Cash Points will be transferred if their amount exceeds 10.

Character conversion:
Characters with 31 resets will receive 101 resets.
For others resets will be multiplied by 3.33 (30 res = 100 res).
When transferring, the stats will be reset and the number of points will be issued in accordance with the reset and level.

Contents of your game vaults will be transferred to your Virtual Vault.
Contents of your virtual vaults and smelter will be transferred completely.

- If a character from the moving server has the same nickname as a character on the receiving server, then the character with lower amount of tributes, resets and levels will have its name changed to "_blankXXXX" where X sequence number, for example "_blank0048". During the next several weeks, free nickname change will be available for them.

- If a player on the receiving server has no free slots for new characters, then to make room for the transfer, the character with the least amount of resets and levels will be deleted. If all characters are the same, then last one created will be deleted. Note, in this case, only one character will be transferred.

- If you are playing on the receiving server, but you have characters on the moving serverthen please take care of free slots for transferred characters, or keep in mind the likelihood of removing the weakest character.

  • Referral connections will be transferred.
  • Accounts and characters that are in a permanent ban will not be transferred.
  • Guilds memberships and guilds themselves and guild vaults will not be transferred.

Servers will be turned off on 20.11.2024 at 13:00, then the merging process will take place. Merged server will open the same day after ~23:00 if no problems arise, but a slight delay is likely.

During the merging process login to the website will be closed.
Players will receive VIP time, Power Buff and Reset Stats subscription compensation for the downtime.

Short version:
Make sure you have at least one character with 1 reset on your account, do not store items on characters without resets, take all your items from the guild bank.

Information presented here might be supplemented or amended.

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I have a question or 2: if I use the account in jade, would that char go to the account with the highest achiev + item or just the char?

regarding the 0RR char on Mega and having to modify those accounts? are those char removed or is it just so Jade can move everything faster? (I have a lot of char vault and I don't want to lose everything on mega, that's why I'm asking XD)

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7 minutes ago, xCefiro said:

I have a question or 2: if I use the account in jade, would that char go to the account with the highest achiev + item or just the char?

regarding the 0RR char on Mega and having to modify those accounts? are those char removed or is it just so Jade can move everything faster? (I have a lot of char vault and I don't want to lose everything on mega, that's why I'm asking XD)

All chars with resets will be moved Mega, you need to have free slots for chars on you account on Mega.
Achievement progress will be summed up for both servers.

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8 часов назад, BeL4eNaK сказал:

In case you have achievements on both servers you will maintain the ones from the server where you have them more. 


7 часов назад, BeL4eNaK сказал:

Achievement progress will be summed up for both servers.

Finally, what is right?


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On 11/14/2024 at 12:06 PM, filiposha said:


Finally, what is right?


Sorry, old info. 
Achievements from both servers will be summed up together.   <<< correct

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1 hour ago, Real_Carnage said:

@BeL4eNaK just curious why after the merge my achievements became much lower? I checked and suddenly some of my achievements that’s supposed to be 3 stars already went back to 2 stars. 

i too, from 3 stars to 2 stars 😞

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  1. Because of me, my family has had sick people all this time. Didn't pay attention to the information about merging jade through mega. That's my fault, I hope the admin will help equip the lethanghlu sever jade x10 account to get it back via sever x100 mega. Thank you very much.
  2. [2:11 CH]
    Acc : lethanghlu sever: jade ---> mega

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@BeL4eNaK Because of me, my family has had sick people all this time. Didn't pay attention to the information about merging jade through mega. That's my fault, I hope the admin will help equip the lethanghlu sever jade x10 account to get it back via sever x100 mega. Thank you very much. Acc : lethanghlu sever: jade ---> mega

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We set the requirements for achievements on Mega as on Jade. Those who did not have enough stars can now go and click where they were missing. In the future, when merging, we will always take the achievement settings from a newer server.

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Those are really necessary items for me. I didn't think server merging would happen so soon, when x50 was merged to x10. I have put valuable items aside with the x777 account I use to play the main game, that's why I don't use characters on the x10 server, please help me get the items back in the box thing .

  1. That account still contains web pages because I'm the player who maintains the top equipped characters on all servers, 
    please help me.

Acc: lethanghlu sever x10 jade



Edited by accmudk

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8 hours ago, accmudk said:


Those are really necessary items for me. I didn't think server merging would happen so soon, when x50 was merged to x10. I have put valuable items aside with the x777 account I use to play the main game, that's why I don't use characters on the x10 server, please help me get the items back in the box thing .

  1. That account still contains web pages because I'm the player who maintains the top equipped characters on all servers, 
    please help me.

Acc: lethanghlu sever x10 jade



Can you explain in more details what is your issue?

You lost some items or what? Did you had a look in your virtual vault on website? Maybe the items are there?

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