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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/13/21 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    Hello all, i playing in this server already few months, started at 100x, continued to 500x So i have some suggestions how we can improve some gameplay. 1. U should make Devil Square reconnect like this is in Blood Castle, some times people got DC, and they lost all progress in DS. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Chaos Castle entry limits, so in Chaos Castle 6 is hard to get victory vs top players in server, if they come its a lose 99%, so only 1% chance to take Chaos Castle newbie, if we balance entry limits like 3 - 5, there was chance to win Chaos Castle others players to! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Make some mega events, where u have chance win a vip for free like for 1 week. Example guild quest, Best player from server who makes most Guild Quest points, earn one week vip for free. Like if guild quest end right now there was place like this. 1. ReDLadY (Empire), 35 guild points = Free vip for 1 week. 2. HellSMilEx (Templier), 32 guild points = 50 bones 3. Zaya (Templier), 30 guild points = 25 bones ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. 1 point
    Банить просто так, тоже неправильно, если человек сам не понимает как вызвал баг. Если появится информация, что баг вызывают и абъюзят намеренно, тогда и будут баны
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