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About tsimvris

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  • Birthday August 22

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  1. Threating me like this, like you are lucky you are far away, go kill yourself and i hope you die really soon How long im a supposed to take it like this before an admin reacts I Posted yesterday too but nothing happend here
  2. Hi,1. My nickname: Maximus2. Game server: Vegas3. Which rule clause was violated: 4.2 & i think its 4.74. Nickname of the offender: BEhappy5. Proof: He insulting me since 3 days now, writing my to go kill myself, im stupid, posting that he hope that i die, everyday .. enough is enough (PS sorry 2nd screenshot is not with F5 open)
  3. I didnt know the rules @Aliancer when i made the screenshots. So what now? its OK to curse me like this because i didnt knew the rules of how to take a screenshot?
  4. Hi, 1. My nickname: Maximus2. Game server: Vegas3. Which rule clause was violated: i think its 4.74. Nickname of the offender: BEhappy5. Proof: https://ibb.co/KrfmHst https://ibb.co/smRZF15 https://ibb.co/KxHRjLS Im sorry, i didnt know the rules about the screenshot, so they are not like they have to be. He insulted me yesterday and today too
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