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About bosspgs1

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  1. Sorry sir, I see you are not a gentleman, I find you to be rude. Please help me the last thing is to lock the cover of acc bosspgs > bospgs10 . I quit the game I feel so bad with the way you handle it when I have nothing here, I wish you success in life and in life
  2. I use keyboard Home + mouse wheel roller zoom in game Sir I just read rule 2.2 I don't use speed or hit hack or any other program A rather boring Christmas holiday from real life when it comes to the game I feel so frustrated with life
  3. what is cheat admin I'm not very fluent in foreign languages, I have to use Google translate I only log in many accs to earn zen Hope you can help me I use these nicks acc: Bosspgs , Bosspgs2 .... Bosspgs10 I just login to play games and use web browser and sketup to work and unikey , office Hope you help me
  4. To: Admin. Acc: bosspgs1 character: Bosskight Acc: bosspgs5 character: Boss1st Acc: bosspgs character: DarkFire Sever Origin X30 I don't know why when I was trading in Davis with my nick and locked And i don't understand why i get error several times a month about login status about Error Data and this time another error
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