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About elad1212

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  1. how do i know what cause it and if there's a way to fix it? it still happen to me and somtimes not just in kunturu... its like the pc cant stand the game in this maps or mu bless eat too much CPU or RAM.... my pc should not die from this kind of game like mu... it soppose to run without any problems what are this strange crashes(with monitor goes blacl for 2 sec)?
  2. Its happening in kanturu doesnt matter if i afk or in game - after 5 mins or so the screen goes entirely black for 1-2 second and the return and all mu windows is closed an crash. Even if they are minimized and the game is minimized!! I can record but its just as i described nothing new. After it happen in Event viewer i see the app bless.exe with app crash event maybe it can give details? I will try to write to Drakonis CPU: intel i7-1165G7 2.80GHz RAM: 16GB GPU: Intel irisX Graphics Its a laptop and its run games pretty good, specially simple games like mu should run smoothly. Anti lag was enabled, camera zoom - standart/normal distance, graphics is low even resolution is set to the lowest with small window mode... Maybe its CPU/RAM overload - but it shouldn't be like this - its just an mu with the lowest graphics settings how come 1 window of mu in some maps can stand in an average+ PC?
  3. Hello, i play the game a lot. i am AFK for hours and days in all maps of the game. and all works great and well. but when i go to Kunturu map (all kind of kunturu 1,2,3...,didnt check on relics) - there is a bug or some sort of problem - after some time (5-20 min) the screen of my PC is flickering/blinking (the screen goes entirely black for 2 seconds) and the game is CRASH and all the windows of bless mu (usually 2) is suddenly closed!! this problem repeated herself again and again - and its happening EVERY TIME i play in kunturu map only. i cant train or farm there, cant AFK and cant use my PC while am there... please help me and fix this or tell me what to do to fix this. ty!
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