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About ronbg10

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  1. thank you very much Craft. sorry if i vented a little last night , was kinda disapointed... now im omw to 3rd reset , cheers. this thread can be closed.
  2. thank you for replying. while i now understand this system , can u link the thread this information is given in? reseting only to get 200 stat points isnt fun , thats little to no growth at all for any character , i was so disapointed when i saw that 1532 ingame. and im supposed to carry like that for 10 resets? 1k points as head start was described as a gift , not a loan , that all im saying.
  3. im on my 2nd reset now and im very confused as to why im getting such low stats? this im supposed to get 400 points after each reset : and i also read that reset at 340 doesnt change the stat given. so now my problem is - i got 1k points at the begining ( i understand this is to make it easier for new players to start) . first reset i started with 1325 points - meaning 325 points for first reset (and im on quest 57 so i also got some points there for sure) . and now 2nd rest its 1532 - meaning 1532-1325 = 207 , i got some points again from random / regular quests system so why am i getting 300 and then 200 stat points each time??? wth is going on ?
  4. this isnt written anywhere and just isnt fair..... bless and zen are hard enough to get as it is as a new player.... a warning would of been nice , i would have warped using normal map can close this thread , its not like some1 will give me 100kk back for this
  5. i made the mistake of entering bless arena wayyyy too soon for my charactar because i didnt know which enemies it features. so my problem is - i dont understand why i lost 100kk zen when i returned to Arkania??? only 2 things happend in the minute and a half i was there - payed fee 5kk to enter -> died once -> spawned right at the same place -> moved in the map forward -> press on a guard looking NPC -> warped to Arkania. when i opened my inventory i noticed 100kk gone..... if any rule (returning via this npc / dying in the arena) cost me this fee THIS SEEMS CRULE! THIS ISNT WRITTEN ANYWHERE! pleas answer this , no1 in the acctual game speaks english to answer any question i have
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