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About chopik

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  1. We’re always on castle seige. but why we will come last seige when we’re not part of the attacking guild? actually some of us are watching stream and some mu4life are posting on server looking for facebook guild. even rawblade try to enter the gates to check if there’s attacker. so i won’t say no mu4life shows up. 3 guilds Facebook,Elites,Hepaku no attack? Facebook is often on registration for sure before this post they’re neutral guild before this and some of their players play on our guild from time to time.
  2. NGC moving back to 10Fps after report. Killed Aseroth under Facebook guild then Today under 10Fps
  3. Yea i know that’s why i’m telling his skill is bug already starting at the video just relog and check again continuously taking video if it’s really on your side or other character. happen to me sometimes on firescream even on monster just in front of me but never damage it. i have to relog somehow. I mean if a post something like this maybe Hellsing and St1f are included in 3.1 just saying based on your assumptions. but yea interesting report. sometimes on my DL i thought its just me with Delay.
  4. I’m not an expert but in the video around 1:10 when you hit hellsing and accidentally target st1f around 2:30. you never damage them with firescream. your skill is really bug. why chase sansey and report only him?
  5. I’m just gonna lay some suggestion in here for the sake of the avalon server maybe to boost some players that we have a fair game and not easily getting banned without a fair investigation. Why won’t the admins do what they did when alot of complains for noobdw. when they try his pc/copy character stats and set. live it and invite players to watch the investigation. just an idea i know it will take more stuff to do on your plate but just to ease the mind of the players of avalon that it’s really a fair investigation @Ivan Nebraska @BeL4eNaK no hate just suggesting some idea.
  6. chopik

    Darkside option

    This was showing on mine
  7. chopik

    Darkside option

    Question about it the darkside set about ignore % damage.on website ancient set library it said 10% ignore but on game it’s 5%. which one should be right?
  8. Sever: Avalon 2) Your Nickname: -OG- 3) What exactly are you buying: Demon 4) What exactly are you getting from the other party (if you're the second party, then what you get from the first party): 5,500PP 5) Nick of the second party (if you're the second party - your nick): -SuperMg- 6) How the deal will be done (the second party should agree to this point and just write - agree): He will put Demon on market with pass and I will send him the PP. He will give me the password 7) Confirmation, that you fully read the rules of contractual deals and are aware of the risks. The second person might not fulfill his part of a deal and you will lose everything. AGREE
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