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About latgalc1

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  1. vins un atsalbs ;D tu tak zini vinu vins tak mati miesigu pardos lai tikai spelite butu 😄
  2. latgalc1


    we are not as addicted to the game as you are. we don't have time to run to every Ba boss with 5 open windows solo, you do it... relax guys. we play apart from you when we have time. and don't curse guild members if you don't beat the boss :D
  3. latgalc1


    totally agreed. cry for boredom those who have thrown x k money and understand that they have lost. without even thinking about the fact that he is separated from his dependents, for an ordinary person work, family, rest, private life are more important than gambling, especially in Latvia, where the weather is pleasant only 4-5 months a year max. and without thinking that their events are too hard every day x3 4 battles for an extra map. then it's king ring x times day. + all bosses BA arena. SERIOUS QUESTION DO YOU HAVE A PRIVATE LIFE? ARE YOU GOING TO EACH OF THESE EVENTS? 10FPS SERIOUSLY CRYING ABOUT BEING BORED, LOOK AROUND THE WORLD IS BIG AND WONDERFUL AND IT'S NOT JUST MUBLESS. :D game for fun, not game for life. and the look will change
  4. mani neparsteidz karteja sudziba, jo ta ir ierasta provokacija, mani tik parsteidz cik lielam tupenim ir jabut lai rakstitu reportu par sewi 😄 bet pedejais teksts no manis it tads..... BLA LA TU KRISA, DA I TADA KAS CERNOBILA PABIJUSI!!!! pa laimi tu vairs nesi mana galvas sape, un pis tewi zirgs un 7 tatari! ceru ka mu4 saks lasit skrrinus kas pierada ka katru reizi tavi 7rukisi provoce uz matu par ko beigas ciees pasi!!! tapec ka tu esi gnida kas mak tikai un vienigi provocet! ( kas ir sodams ar parament banu) bet ja godigi tiesi taja mirki es vnk klausijos dzesnu un ta nu sanaca ka vina nonaca ari /post 😄 VISU LABU PARAZITIEM no 10 fps. un ADMINIEM KAS PRIEKS 10FPS VNK PARAKSTA NOTEIKUMUS NEVIS VINUS SODA TA PAT KA MUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. bravo, sto i trebuvalas dakazac. nitralnajo vmenija 😄 hoc ktota zamecl razniji tocki 😄
  6. tak cibe takijize slava, sto askarblenija pusc tvoj dzedzkij sad padzerzit ksibe
  7. i pazalusta raz uz takoj umnij sto skrit? naidzi takoj, ili sdzelaj stam stop rabotal stocnasu 100%
  8. vot suko o dzibili 😄 a tosto tupa ignoru was da muma nidaslo?
  9. stota ti medlina danos stracis,starejis navernaja 😄 moj atvet na eta vso ---- nijibal neznaju, sto takoja makro 😄
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