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Everything posted by cerbero198

  1. If it is a bug I hope they fix it but in my case I have not used anything, in any of the accounts
  2. If the server registered that in an account, it is because its server has errors, the CERBERO195 account is a new DL and the DL has so many advantages compared to the others that I do not need to improve anything, besides what happens with the rest of the accounts
  3. This computer is only used to play Mu Bless, it has no programs or hacks, the only external application is google´s remoto desktop to check it from time to tieme on my phone and my word PC. Please cheak carefully since I have not used cheats to play I have achieved all the item, zen y levels by playing a lot
  4. Mu Blees blocks me 3 accounts for using cheats which I have not used, I have only used the software available on the page and they do not give me any explanation as to why they block me, they only tell me that the decision is final. I have three, two with primary characters and one to sell, I use these with the same software that is downloaded and the only trick I have is to play a lot and nothing more. One of the accounts was VIP and with donations to use. Please review your decision because it is incorrect. I don't use tricks or hacks. I just play a lot.
  5. Pressure Rule 8 From today I am in prison with my accounts, I cannot find rule 8 to know why I am in prison. the 3 characters that are in prision belong to different accounts cerbero = sm main account (please unlock) cerbero200= elf main account cerbero195= account to sell on market please unlock
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