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About glenarvan

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  1. 1. Audio2. Mega3. 4.2 (as an exception from @Ivan Nebraska by our conversation in discord)4. zTieuBachz (https://mu.bless.gs/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=zTieuBachz&serv=server6_5. Long story short: Every morning this guy is flooding the post with some random conversation he's having with himself. Doesn't respond to messages asking to stop, etc. Just continues to perform as usual... I know, there's no rules that fit this situation.
  2. Надеюсь воскресить этот топик ) Пускай Панда не будет давать бонусов, но хотябы будет неубиваемой!!! Честно, надоело покупать Рудиков...
  3. Hello Everyone! I'm probably will sound like a crybaby writing a post about this, but i'd like to suggest a change in regards to viparena 10 bosses. What's the essence of viparena? You're right = find a spot, lvl up and farm zen. 24/7 afk basically. Which is not great, and not also a terrible thing, right? But eventually you will see some players explicitly bringing bosses to your spots, not because of them being unable to kill them, but because they like to spoil your game by ruining your zen farm, and maybe see you getting downed by a boss. I'd like to see a change in regards to that. Either: - change the viparena map, for example - make longer path with turns, which is stupid... or... - nerf the bosses. They may stay as fat as they are in regards of their hp and defense, but at least please nerf their attack to match Dreadfear i'd guess. I'd be OK with the fact that they will gain even more HP and Defense to compensate lack of attack power. I'd like to enjoy the game more by eventually not giving a constant stare in viparena10 😄 Look from my perspective: i'm already paying for vip, and i want to reduce my costs not buying Rudolfs couple times a day, since my suggestion of crafting a Pet Panda didn't gain traction 😛
  4. Srsly. Nobody likes 12zen outside their guild. All day, every day they taunt, provoke and bully people. Just because a persons name may sound as "Sara" to you - that doesn't give you no rights to provoke anyone and later to go and cry on forum that you're suddenly offended by the person you were provoking earlier getting back on you with "dog" & "jackal". Here's one not so smart person bragging how he was throwing stones at homeless people and wonders whether one of them wasn't him. Did they show it? Ofc not.
  5. ссылка с GTOP100.COM вообще ведёт голосовать за MUX LEGEND 😄
  6. Jewels - нет. Экономику жестко испортит. Бонусы - открыто для обсуждения. Ботофермер не станет вкладываться в подобный рецепт. К тому же в PVE локациях камни теперь не выпадают. Так что фармить LT / Aida уже не выгодно.
  7. Ваше мнение учтено, но не засчитано 😀
  8. Всем доброго времени суток! Зародилась у меня идея, узнать на сколько возможно попросить добавить в крафт Панду. Возможно по подобным хардкор рецептам что и Фенрир \ Демон \ Спирит Для меня сложно определить, что именно должно стать исходниками для Панды. Хотелось бы чтобы чтобы исходник остановился (Максимум) на Фиолетовом Фенрире. Тобишь репепт бы выглядел примерно так: Pet Panda: Chaos Machine Regular Combination Max Success Rate 100% Violet Fenrir 1x Feather of Condor 1x Pet Rudolph 1x Jewel Chaos 1x Jewel of Soul Bundle x30 Jewel of Creation Bundle x30 Jewel of Guardian Bundle x30 Jewel of Goldsmith Хотелось бы увидеть ещё бонусы, не такие ОП как на боевом зверье, но на мой взгляд: Pet Panda: Increase Physical Damage +15% Increase Wizardry Damage +10% Increase Defense +20% Increase Life +3000 Surrounding Zens are automatically collected Как конечный продукт хочется получить зверька которого не так легко достать, с некоторыми бонусами к урону\защите, и который не пропадёт после того как вынесут всё ХП.
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