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2 Suggestions: Chaos Machine and RAM usage

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I'd like to propose the following, to address the recent complaints about lags and delays.

1. If the UI permits, add a "refresh button" to the chaos machine. Currently, after mixing something we have to close the machine window, talk to the goblin again, select the combination (again) and then start anew. It's extremely inconvenient for one, but it also adds another 3 queries to the entire process, resulting in more data being sent back and forth. With a refresh button, we could minimize it to just one click: we click the button and the chaos machine window refreshes, allowing us to continue cooking. This could also help with the nasty de-sync.

2. It's no secret that MU client is 32-bit and largely unsupported by our modern PCs. A 32-bit app can only access 2GB of memory at any one point. There is a way to modify the .exe, though. The tool is called "Large Address Aware": it alters the .exe and permits it to access up to 4GB (twice as much!) memory, as well as whatever memory is unused by the system at the time. This tool works perfectly fine and I've been using it with other games, especially modded WoW and Morrowind. With 4GB of RAM, the FPS drops would decrease significantly. The only issue is: the client you guys developed won't allow the game to run after using Large Address Aware (because the .exe has been modified). You would need to work some magic there, but it's worth it, believe me. All I can do here is give you this suggestion - nah, solution even.


Have a great day.

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17 minutes ago, mammus said:

Nice sugestion, Mu administration should hire you to update them client. 


I wouldn't know how to. I know a few things but I'm not a dev/programmer. I can only suggest solutions.

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