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About sixpaths

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  1. Finally. Now it actually makes sense. Thank you, boss
  2. sixpaths

    Bug inner :))

    I did see it when it was still up. Basically, he cast inner repeatedly, but his party members never got the buff
  3. That's bs. The chance is the same across the board and if you're enhancing 2-3 items simultaneously, you will waste even more JoLs in the process as the odds of maxing 3 items out are 3 times lower vs single item.
  4. While I am not certain which rule applies here specifically, I am aware and most certain of this: disbanding your guild as castle owners and remaking it to avoid defending with debuff is bannable. See what happened yesterday. The guild Mayhem under the leadership of Akorotkih did just that: disbanded and remade the guild to give themselves advantage in CS (16% buff). All in all, TROY beat them (good job boys), but this is not how CS should be played. Permitting this kind of behaviour will incentivise other guilds to cheat as well. Whatever the outcome of the cheating is, it is STILL cheating. I hope the admins @BeL4eNaK @Ivan Nebraska can remind Akorotkih and all of his guildies who partook in this, that they're not above law here. Thanks.
  5. There is no need for that. The solution to your problem is simple: turn one tile of every bridge into a safe zone. Bosses won't be able to cross.
  6. It would also be helpful to give us your PC specs. Some maps put more strain on CPU; when I'm on my laptop, the game sometimes crashes in some areas due to CPU/RAM usage. Until you can figure it out with Drakonis, make sure you have anti lag enabled, your camera as zoomed in as possible, and all graphic settings set to the lowest. See then if the problem reoccurs. That's all I can think of for now.
  7. Thank you, sir, let's hope for the best outcome.
  8. Hello. Can we get some insights into what has been going on this past week and if preventative measures are being considered? It's really no fun, coming back home to see that the server crashed and my party bugged due to that, or my character moved someplace else which also seems to happen upon reconnecting. Hours upon hours of wasted electricity and VIP 😏 I'm sure this situation is as frustrating to you as it is to us, but please don't keep us out of the loop. Give us "some" info, if not reassurance. Best wishes to you
  9. Why do top combinations have a 5% chance to fail? You do realize it's actually a good way to make people quit when items worth over 20k bons disappear? With this kind of investment I don't think there should be any risk involved.
  10. Enable sound in your game menu and kill Jonathan. You will understand.
  11. How did you arrive at this conclusion is beyond all logic. I'm not even max rr, nor an Avalon player, I would stand no chance vs Avalon guilds, but I can tell what is better for the server 😉
  12. So correct me if I'm wrong: all the anti-merge Jaders here are just afraid of losing monopoly on items and CS, huh? 😂
  13. One question: if the items in my vault exceed the maximum Virtual Vault capacity, what then? Will the items that don't fit be lost, or will they overflow? I need to know if I'm going to lose anything.
  14. Once whales get what they want, they move on as well. Compared to casuals, or should I say: reasonable people, they're not numerous. True, one casual might not be worth much to THE BUSINESS, but a thousand of them have actual worth. If just 10% of them donate, that's a lot. If just 25% of them purchase something from the whales, the whales have the incentive to keep the economy going. If there's ONLY whales, the server dies and it's that simple - I doubt you guys want to play at a graveyard. You can and SHOULD choose whales in this business model, but you should also do it in a way that enables the whales and DOESN'T punish the casuals. That way everybody's a winner and player retention increases. That's what this thread is trying to address.
  15. Then don't play your 20 bots? Behave like a normal person? Problem... solved?
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