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About unair

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  1. But this seems to be the only success story as you can see. The story that brings and keeps players in the game. 1st server is already open, 2nd server will follow. Even though realistically speaking they are managing the situation way better compared to WoW realms which some of them are completely ghost continents. I would not worry too much tbh. You need to consider this is a game from 2003. It has massive limitations and yet look this Bless community found a way to make it work and it works. This is the most important thing. Do you know how many servers I've seen since 2003 that are now today gone and not even history? Every single server goes through this.
  2. Oh, boy, I love merges! After the merge there is an explosion in player activity. You cannot find a single spot to farm because they are all taken and the server is not prepared for a high intake of players from the spots point of view. And it is like this for few months maybe. After that it goes on low population and you can play, enjoy the game, you can do quests, everything is normal. This is the best moment of a server! If you want something revolutionary here it is: Back in the day there was only 1 way to make the game play experience longer in MU and that was: You started with 500 points and every time you reset another 500 points were added. In other words 1 reset 500 points, 2 resets 1000 points, 3 resets 1500 points. Every time you reset all of your points are taken and this is what you get. Now this will def make the experience longer and can push the life of a server longer.
  3. unair

    Delete account

    Not necessarily. In EU if you are a service provider you are obligated by law to provide this option. All companies have it: YouTube, Spotify, Amazon, Yahoo, Google etc. How it usually works with some is that you have a 1 month or more window for deletion. You submit now the request for acc deletion and after 1 month or more it gets deleted, a delay for security reasons. Yahoo has this.
  4. Hello, question: this shield ate at the moment more than 140 Jewels of Life. What is the success rate over here? It goes up to +35 I think, but this opt is not that relevant when it comes to giving an opt against PVP or PVE. It is nice to have it maxed out however, why the success rate is so low on Jewel of Life when it goes up to +35? Shouldn't it be a bit higher considering the +35 Def rate is not that strong overall? x2 or x3 times it failed at +30 and then few times as +20 and I see the mechanism here every time after it fails the 1st 1, 2, 3 or 4 Jewels fail as well. Isn't here a bug?
  5. I did this recently, few months ago, and it took a lot. The overall drops are long for each particular type of mob, but indeed this drop in particular was long, maybe it took 2 full days. But here the spawn time of the mob is every 3 mins so for several hours a day every 3 mins I just opened and lowered the window and just farmed the mob. In the end it dropped, but it is a long progress.
  6. In this case you do not need a main char that will grow other chars. You can do this with 1 single char that has 0 resets. There is no obstacle in obtaining anything: Jewels, items, quests, XP literally if you start now a new char you have access to all content with small exceptions here and there. What is the point of growing 5 chars at the same time when the end game has nothing to offer? You reach end game and then what? You have no sets, no drops, your char is not strong enough for PVP because you only farmed XP... And ppl that only have 1 account and grow separate chars in 1 account when they go to spot and they find a dude growing 5 accounts at once... How is this normal? Where is the free spot for the casual dude enjoying the game? I play for maybe 2 years now and I'm still not close to lvl 3 wings and I'm active! Now imagine the dude that's rushing through the content. What kind of chars is he going to have? The only benefit here will be the numbers. 1 guy playing 5 accounts, statistically it will show a high population, but in reality proportion is 1 player to 5 bots so it will be a bot server. You put yourself in a new player's position. You see this server and think OMG it has a high number of players and then you start playing and see that there is almost 0 interaction between players, majority of spots are taken by bot accounts, in BC one retard drags 5 other cars after him so you can't party with him and he takes all your XP, you cannot find a guild to join, you get PK'd all the time for nothing and others. You will populate this server and game with ghosts that will push active ppl away. Look at the Tarkan screenshot, same players afk there will be on spots and there are already not enough spots. What is the plan here to push active and casual players towards VIP because casual zones are full with bots? How many bot accounts u say will pay for VIP? 0 that's how many. This is not ok with allowing this many bot accounts...
  7. But why do you need 4 chars to grow at the same time? If you grow them 1 by 1 it is ok, but then again why do you need to grow a char? You get bonus XP when you create a new char, you already have another main char with 100 RRs let's say so you have the possibility to farm items or craft them... Everything you need is accessible for new beginners, even quests. Why do you need to drag 5-7 chars after you in BC? So that you can sell them later on in the market or what is the point behind it? They can reset by themselves, they can do quests by themselves, they can do everything by themselves, this is not WOW. When I started on this server I dressed from Hears and Medals and I voted and I purchased 2 Grade A sets for 2 different chars and few other sets of lower grade without anyone growing me. The hardest thing was to get Zen because ppl PK you when they see you with Rudolf, but other than this I don't see any problem. Like what is the point of this? Even 6 simultaneous windows is a lot in my opinion, you can't play 5 chars at once unless ur Eddie Murphy.
  8. Bots bring 0 value to the game. They take the economy down and they occupy the spots that are already limited. 1. It is not enough that players have to fight organized guilds occupying spots - good for the guilds here that they know how to play and manage themselves, 2. But now they have to fight with hundreds of DLJW27, 26, 17 chars which bring what value? Decent would be 2 max 3 windows. U have a SM and want to grow a BK, ok 1 extra window. Or a BK and Elf for whatever reason, let's say ok as well, even though 3 windows sounds much as well. I go to BC and there is dude dragging 4 chars after him with follow and 0 items... Something must be done unless u want to end up a bot server. As well give us the opportunity to freely PK these bots, if the community does not harass them they will never leave. In Ikarus there is almost always a DL on a spot at the beginning farming with a bot name, I always PK him when I see him there. He does not belong in the game. Funny you now only see them in 90% of the cases in Tarkan and 10% in Atlans and Ikarus. 0 bots on other maps though.
  9. Strange enough you don't see them leveling in Aida which is the safest map on the server. Only in Tarkan, Atlans and Ikarus, but the majority in Tarkan. There isn't a single bot in Aida which shows the main point of these bots is not to level chars and then sell them, but to loot jewels. A bundle of x30 Chaos goes for 35 bons now, not bad. How isn't this breaking the server rules idk, they are basically creating a black market.
  10. This photo is taken today 15:00 CET. I am here since beginning of Origin, but I have never seen something like this before. There was a dude in this forum somewhere saying he's running 40 windows simultaneous! How is this normal and there is no action against them? What are they even farming? Jewels? If you level a char from 0 to 100 RRs you get 1 stash page full of jewels. You don't have to do anything special. Who knows how many players are on other maps like this. What is the benefit allowing them to bot besides pushing the numbers? When you see Mega with 1000 players active, half of them are bots lol.
  11. Hello, I have a question, a weird one: What is the point of the sheep Jonathan and the chicken that's roaming free in Lorencia? After like 1 million miss with max Ene stats I killed them, but the only drop it is an Apple +13, 1 piece. How is this helpful? Like why is this even in the game. Players under 50-70 rr can't even touch these 2 mobs and they get an apple at the end? Like who came up with this idea? 🤣 Is it the apple from Snow White with the 7 dwarfs? Shouldn't this have some sort of meaning? Or at least a point in the game? Thanks
  12. unair

    3d quest

    I did it myself in Origin with my GM after maybe 15 - 20 resets, but with BK someone helped me. If u are in Mega I will help u for free
  13. I started playing on Origin maybe few months after it started. That server had the main server and I believe 2 or 3 subserves (maybe 2, but it could have been 3 as well, I don't remember exactly). The population number was huge, there was no space in Noria from wings and opened stores (at the time there was no market map) and those were afk players, the active ones were easily x2 or x3 the number of Noria afk players. The economy was so vast that you were able to purchase from the Noria market Anubis and Enis pieces of set or even an entire set if you were lucky enough only for Zen. Eventually Origin merged into Mega, because it had no more players. It went from a full on x2 or x3 subservers to only 1 main server that got merged into another one. And all of those players that were active were casual. Where they went? They were not whales, 1 server with other x2 or x3 subservers and all of the payers whales? I doubt because if this would have been the situation then the population would have remained constant. This is the thing with casual players, they get diluted either into other servers or they stop playing. I had myself few months of break. From what I can see the administration is using a formula of 1:1 servers meaning every time when they open a new server, the server is compatible with an older one that's loosing players and eventually the old server will be merged into the new one. So from the statistics point of view they know what they are doing. I think the actually technical details are much more complex than a discussion like this which is just a discussion after all. We don't have access to statistics, trends, evolutions, medians etc.
  14. Wait what?! Bro, this is not lottery! U the entire population of a server! Look at Avalon, Avalon could be 8 players playing on the server!
  15. It is already chosen, and the chosen ones are the whales. It is simple. How much do you think is electricity every month, host and other expenses? Hundreds of casual players come and go, they bring no value. It's all fashion, they are here now, 6 months from now they are gone. But whales stay as you can see, just like a casino, you go in once and you leave, they don't care about you. They care about the guy that goes in every day! From there they are paying electricity, not from hundreds of ppl walking by.
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