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xCefiro last won the day on November 20 2023

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75 Excellent

About xCefiro

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  1. i'm tired of trading pets on the market/guildbank every day and I don't want to buy another pet just to play ET 😂
  2. @BeL4eNaK maybe this will work on this map do you remember that there was a similar problem with KD map😅
  3. is the best time when a server dies? the merge, generally serves to activate the PVP, people who do quests or other things, can do it in the same way 😂 what do you think will happen to Avalon/Jade when they open another server a few weeks after the merge? :))) since they announced 2 servers a year, the merges seem as if they had never been done, the new server is announced, the server that had a merge returns as if it never had a merge and is dead again MERGE = SERVER NEW = MERGE DEAD 😂
  4. @BeL4eNaK @Ivan Nebraska they don't think they should change the policy of opening 2 new servers every year? every time a server has a merge, it is active for the first month and then with the opening of the new server, that merge dies in MEGA, that happened,the first month, GGwp-12zen-buzz, all events were active but after the opening of VEGAS, the server was gradually shut down to the point that now even CS is not played when x500 had a merge with x30, that merge died with the opening of the new server and and this will happen the same with avalon/jade i don't see much sense in doing a merge to revive old servers, if after a few weeks, they kill the merge with a new server and this will always continue to happen because of making 1 new server every 6 months 😂😂 PS :I experienced 3 merges and of which, only the king-empire merge with snuff/cardinal was active for months, the rest of the merges die after 1 month with the new servers
  5. 1. -Oberon- 2.mega 3.4.9 4.https://mu.bless.gs/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=urwis&serv=server6 5.
  6. xCefiro

    Bug inner :))

    i don't know if this was a coincidence or what happened but you should verify that this works well fighting to win a boss and having this problem appear, it's not fun 😬 @BeL4eNaK
  7. i think this is allowed, outside the castle, everyone can do what they want, it would be another story if that character had entered the room in case they had not modified the rules, I think it is not ban
  8. Hi It would be easy to move the pets(demon/spirit) to other chars per game like the elitehorse/shadowmere (I remember that it was possible in case there had been any change in the DL pets) at least in my case too much time is wasted doing this on the web if you need to move the pet to another character quickly for some type of event or when doing some type of TRADE in case of selling it for some item moving the pets is so complicated unlike elitehorse/shadowmere this may be silly but it would be easier if you need to move a pet at the last minute and not just through the website, which takes several minutes 😂 @BeL4eNaK @Ivan Nebraska
  9. @BeL4eNaK maybe, the drop is bug as it happened at the time, with the drop icarus with the feather
  10. maybe the best would be a maximum of 5 cc, it is very fun to see how someone runs with 5-7 char behind for a bc main+4 char or 5 char twink for party(referrals),since they decide how to play but it will remain the same if the maximum is 7 accounts 😂
  11. and if better, you modify the imperial and not so many changes for the bk, each time, the bk dies faster with each update 😂 all the characters have been modified but the DL with the imperial set is the most absurd,DL vit+agi,str for shield and eat all 1-2 sec
  12. It's your fault for giving your main account 🤣 prepare the money to recover something that you yourself lost 😅
  13. xCefiro


    the excuse is that 2 people and no one saw the message just because several windows are playing, that is a new excuse 😂 how do you want to kill an EE who is not capable of dying? because of that, the pt can leave the safe zone with all the buffs and SD bugg :DD
  14. xCefiro


    OG is an expert in comboing in the air, ask her 😀 another bug visual for 12zen 😂.how many times did they do the same thing to use the easy buff without the elf dying? this photo was after dying and being warned and he did it again 😀
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