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edzayo last won the day on January 26

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  1. Neviens te neattaisnojas 😁 Ierēcam par jums i viss … Ka kkas ta Pallach nāk te bimbāt , katru CS pallach kko izrunājas , a tu redzi kaut vienu reportu no musu puses ? Tas arī ir rādītājs 😄 Laikam vienīgais glābiņš kur pallacham pasūdzēties ir foruma , kamer es pissss viiiinj maaaaaa…. ayiee 🫰🍻 Double post i know ✌️
  2. 1. DemetryBK 2. Avalon 3. 4.1 4. https://mu.bless.gs/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=KenzoBM&serv=server3 5.
  3. how come ? so you can kick 5 member for better guild buff , and those char can go without guild and kill all ? 😄😄 also nice way to avoid 64% , dont u think ?
  4. 1. edzayo2. Avalon3. 4.21 or 4.114. https://mu.bless.gs/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=parti3an&serv=server3parti3an5. I dont know the correct rule for this , but this guy kept attacking us in the castle siege , while not being in the guild. He was attacking only MU4Life member.
  5. This rule is really well thought . With rule like this you could even go lower than 5 , although if you want to push referalls or make 5 new characters for gold party , then 5 is the sweetspot ! 👍 Conclusion : While you can operate more than six accounts, you must ensure that the resources gathered by these accounts are not transferred to a single account or used in a way that benefits one account disproportionately. Each account should manage and use its resources independently to stay within the rules. Do i understand it correctly?
  6. 1. yttap 2. Avalon 3. 4.2 4. https://mu.bless.gs/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=GodLike&serv=server3 https://mu.bless.gs/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=TikTak&serv=server3 GodLike + TikTak i think its same person check ip, if not same person sentence both , so i dont have to make double topic 5. https://failiem.lv/u/cwn34jhxne
  7. 4.15. It is forbidden to create characters nicknames with the obscene language or any humiliation words. Note: Requests on this rule will be processed only if nickname is visible on a screenshot from the game. Penalty: Block of account until problem will be solved. No screenshot where nickname is visible in game. Character deleted , im sorry if this offended anyone for some reason .
  8. I dont care about the lose , its actually not even a lose since we couldnt attend it . Im creating this topic , because i havent seen any other about this case , and im here to make the server better , and to give fair trial to people who decide to abuse game bugs instead of report them . And you make new forum profile to call me whiner ? -i couldnt give less fck honestly When you lost 4x streak TWICE to us, all you did was excuse excuse excuse , it got so bad you even changed your guild name into another excuse of lose (10fps) 🥲
  9. Art of war popular sentence , enemy of my enemy is my friend u mean ? Well do that in regular CS and get block 7 days 👌 I wouldnt call abuse system and twist rules a good strategy 😁
  10. Let me ask you this . Like Alliancer just said , you have had many chances to go attend CS , and since were hostiles like you say , why didnt u come any other CS to kill only us ? Let me save you some precious strength , and reply for you , because then it would be pure 4.23 , yet if youre allianced youre allowed to attack only specific guild and not attack defending guild ? If youre so fair player and you get allianced automatically ,just dont go to CS , like you didnt last one and like you never do with your guild , dont make agreement with defending guild and then try to twist rules in a way that make you innocent.
  11. 1500+ BA points 6/7 guild quest We stopped doing tributes , to not feed the treasury . Every week is the same 2.5-4k BA point 10fps and 1-2.5k BA point MU4Life If 10fps feed random guild 3k BA point there is nothing we can do , our timezones differ , what proving your worth are you talking about . Why would Facebook attack their own guild members ? Maybe next new server take castle for 3 weeks , then leave only guild master and that guild with 0 buff for the rest of the lifetime , while all the characters move to new guild and dominate siege, and on Sundays dont come online ? New server , dead castle siege ? What would you say then ? 🤔🤪 Implement a rule instead of talk nonsense, you are clearly aware of issue here , prove your worth .
  12. Could you elaborate what is considered "farming game resources" ? zen / jewels / ba / leveling up / doing referals / ET / guild quests / etc...
  13. What i mean by that is , that your guild as it is (without 10fps characters) , have no chance to deal with 10fps / MU4Life , and in fair conditions your guild would be forgotten , like it always was . Without help of defending guild you would never be there , also they moved characters to your guild during the week , and now theyre back in 10fps , all this is against the rule , since by doing this you changed the outcome of castle siege this week . By doing all this you become 10fps dummy guild , its a fact . Go go make party , go events , you need that buff you have CS today 🤪 or 10fps will let you through gate and let register too maybe ? Haha whats up dummy guild master ✌️😎
  14. We play enough to be able to attend cs and no other guild in this server can pass us buff wise . We have always been lower score in BA because of our guild timezone , if you start letting random guild take the BA , and guard them , then yeah , we wont have chance to go CS , but since those guilds are your dummy guilds and wont be attending CS anyway, its against the rules sooooo.. Ahahaha , if facebook isnt twink guild then idk what is . You purposely pushed them top1 so you dont have to face us in the siege . Well done 👌Facebook have TikTak which is 10fps member , Hami in the forum , Carnage who have helped you every cs before , and the rest dont even have set +9 and are all twinks , this guild have barely 10member with 51resets , just admit that you were scared to face us this cs , thats why you decided that doing this would be a good idea 🤦 Wow , meaning that during castle sieges there can be agreements between guilds ? Only not for first cs , do you really think thats how the rule was made ?? 🤣 the excluding alliances means , that if you have alliance you can have aggreement between allianced guilds , not agreements between attacker / defender , how stupid you have to be to correspond to that rule and think thats what it means 🥲 . Well thats what youre saying , not me 🫣 We dont need help from his guild , we just need him to not mess with CS , go pallach , face us in cs , us not having more buff than you is only your advantage , why do you complain ?? In fact i know how to make alliance , but unlike you we dont have senates in guild that we can ask every single question to know when alliance should be prepared . 1 message on Saturday 12:00 , if you dont see it , you dont know that you must create ally , so it doesnt go automatic. Am i stupid for that ? zzzzzz oh yeah facebook also have cumloader , cumdumster , cumenjoyer , excuse me for forgeting about them , those are actual nicknames in Facebook , dont ban me for saying this . Last reply from me here , seems like youre proud of what u did , and from your saying “its not against rules” , no way im having conversation to so blind guy , whose interests are win even if it kills server , server income and content . Selfish and delusional , what have this game turned you omg , sad . 😔
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