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About chubemxx1

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  1. lol pathetic player : ) killing most ppl afk is vietnamese and now crying like some1 insulting them 🙂 pls @NhatRi VN pls translate
  2. if im not saying anything in chat that elf will stand still with sz buff : ) you notice that 2 times after i chat on public chat ?
  3. what u mean that combo so noob , i falied sometimes
  4. chubemxx1


    1.Huge 2.x100 3.3.1 ( abuse sz ee buff bug repeadly ) ( time in video 00:00-00:14 / 00:38 - 0052 ) 4.https://mu.bless.gs/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=Freaky&serv=server6 5.
  5. 1. -BadBoyVN- 2. mega x100 3. 4.1 4.https://mu.bless.gs/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=-Artorias-&serv=server6 5. is simply king ring event and he start insulting nations .
  6. Really hope you take our advice and design the MG's wing to make it look a bit more reasonable, I feel like the 5th MG wing is a design disaster. I was thinking about not playing MG anymore but switched to playing BK. indeed BK's wings are so excellent if only MG's wings are such a part.
  7. As a player who has been with MU Bless since opening the x100 server until now, in my opinion, wings 5th is a failure of design (here I am not talking about its effectiveness). Too good for BK, but all the other genders are too bad, especially MG, it would be great if 5th wings could be fixed.
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