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About Yosko

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  1. Kogda ebnuli Blusa, ya srazy vam govoril 4to eto on, xozyain koroeda govoril 4to cortezik ne mog, xot' po nem bulo vidno, sam 4elovek typo neadekvat. Softa i drygix rebyat galko.
  2. Esli po teme, to na osady ya prixojy pokaifovat' ot mawtabnogo pvp kontenta, i da 4awe vsego ya igrau na 2-3 servax na cs, no eto potomy 4to mne eto samomy nravitsa. Esli je smestit' vse v 1 vremya, eto bydet sky4no, potomy 4to inogda osad i vovse nety na nekotorux serverax. Vot emberu ne prixodili 3 nedeli na osady, interesno pipec. i ne poly4itsa poiti naprimer na avalon, dymaya 4to na mege ne bydet osadu, tak kak est ymelcu kotorue do 30 min soberaut pa4ki :DDD Vozmogen takoi variant tolko esli tu zaregan i ne priwel, poly4aew -%buff, tem samum ne bydyt abussit buff cs.
  3. i kakoi tyt voobwe kontekst moget but ? esli pervui vopros eto vumusel tvoei ne mnogogranoi fantazii, a vtoroi vopros - obu4noe nut'e. Y4ituvaya to 4to vawa gi delaet tak-je.
  4. da eto voobwe smewno ? oni 2-3 nedeli dage na osady ne prixodili, argymentiryya eto tem, 4to y nix leto na4elos'. no potom neogudanno oni vzyali v gi Quan-Vu i co, i y nix zakon4elos' leto ? eto ya yge mol4y, kto za nix na 55% prixodil na GMa regat'. Prowluu nedelu oni ba v 3 raza men'we nabili za nas. Y nix edinstvenaya rabo4aya sxema - eto zerg rush, kogda ix 20 a nas 7-8. togda oni i v post piwyt, i t.d.
  5. a gde eto tu igraew vsu nedelu na pustom servere ? tu eto was o mega?
  6. Yosko / Mega a1 - a2 - a3 - b3 - c3 - c4 - c5 - c6 - d6 - e6 - f6
  7. 1) Server: x1002) Your nickname: GoGoPVP3) What exactly are you buying/selling: Wings of Conqueror +13+ignor+luck4) What exactly are you getting from the other party (if you're the second party, then what you get from the first party): 5kpp 5) Nick of the second party (if you're the second party - your nick): -KewTiie-6) How the deal will be done (the second party should agree to this point and just write - agree): i send -KewTiie- donation link, and he paymants my account zgames on 5kpp7) Confirmation, that you fully read the rules of contractual deals and are aware of the risks. The second person might not fulfill his part of a deal and you will lose everything. - Confirmed
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