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Everything posted by VladOZ

  1. Is this topic gradually sinking into oblivion while the Offender cannot explain and prove it? 🤭
  2. Everyone know how to cross the bridges while it stuck. But unfortunately, if he ran to inside of spot and why he can kill EE - Magik + GagariN standing in the bridge - immediately after Asteroth dead with Firescream? Did you think it is possible to come inside the spot and go vice versa immediately when everyone was stucking there? And P.S: the DL was used the FS instead of Chain, everyone can see it well the last hit from him was FS. Ofc, we have no right to insults anyone. But the fact that Cheaters keeps being ignored on the server because of "less experience + power abusing team" made all other players frustrated and disgusted.
  3. @skullkenda @harmonija6 First, the guy telling that was a combo with chain (Fire Burst) on finish and the Asteroth was standing in the middle of bridge in old topic. Now you're telling that have 1/1000 the FS hit will go through the obstacles. So what is the main reason you giving to people? P.S: Everyone was attacking the Asteroth inside the spot. Which meaning all skills from all players showing up inside of the spot. @BeL4eNaK Second, please explain these hits without name of Skill in this PVP logs. What are those? If the Hit Hack actually works the way you explained, then go check on the moment Asteroth nearly die, he kill also the EE - Magik, meaning this EE + Asteroth dying in the same time. We also have many cases that Cheat functions doesn't showing up on logs. So I would really hope you check it out with all the experience players have on many years. @wreqor @shemanice Last one, thank you for your idea, which is duly noted and could be helpful. If he ran into Asteroth position by "default/ low view range", then he cannot kill the EEs - Magik & GagariN at the moment Asteroth dead. Because his FS will be blocked by another characters in the "real position" appeared on his screen. And as he said, it is 1/1000 variable to the hits come through the obstacles. Do you really think that the 1/1000 hits can kill the EE with +15 gears immediately? I ended my comment. Hope this will be useful for you guys.
  4. 1. NSFW 2. Mega 3. Rule 8 4. https://mu.bless.gs/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=e6i6a&serv=server6 5. Hi I'm from x30 and I don't know why the old topic of the author was removed, but here is the new topic without Cheat program advertising. The best way to handle the Cheaters and improve the players experience is ban them as soon as possible, do as hard as you did 4 years ago 🙂
  5. I contacted you via discord with goodwill to help project but no answering 🙂
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