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storas1234 last won the day on April 17

storas1234 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

26 Excellent

About storas1234

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  • Birthday 01/01/1992

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    Mu bless
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    Mu bless

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  1. nepriwlo acc ID vyturio11, referal bil
  2. Server - Vegas x777 Nickname MACARENA acc ID vyturio vrem9 - 12:04:00 + - 2024.05.24 polozil zen s sunduka na personaza 2kkk zdelal alt f4 stobi zdelat tribut i propalo
  3. MACARENA / VEGAS x777 za posledni guild quest bilo nafarmleno 700+ shard vietnam farm guild eto + - 24 flame 2 nedeli guild quest bilo gold mobi za katorix nafarmili okolo 1400 shard eto 48 flame Eto po vawevu normalno ? Vi dumaete oni varit wingi s etix flame ? 🙂 zdelali "" stobi vse mogli zavarit 3 lvl wingi "" a po itogu varitsa peti i 4-5lvl wingi v top guild 😄 s etix farm flamov pora uze zadumatsa 😄
  4. ne4o ne4o skoro v top 3 neuda4nikov popadew 😄
  5. odno raduet , ia popodaju v TOP 3 hot gde to 😄
  6. ID vyturio Server x777 nick MACARENA 🙂
  7. da oni sami neznajut 😄 vesgde drop izmenilsa a oni neznajut ne4evo 😄
  8. 1. MACARENA 2. Jade 3.4.2 4.https://mu.bless.gs/ru/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=wqaqwa&serv=server1 5.
  9. Barometr Нет, у Вас осталась одна попытка
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