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Everything posted by dyils

  1. Yeah, I didn't bother calculating them properly. I'm looking mostly at BK vs ELF comparison and why Elf is buffed so much while BK is nerfed so much I recalculated now with more points and with the correct number of points of MG and DL and it seems MG is actually probably the strongest at high resets. So I still don't understand why BK is so nerfed.
  2. I used the formulas here to somewhat approximate the defense, damage, attack rate, etc of all the classes at ~20000 points spent. Here's a spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1z2N0gee3GZcAF8KapATbRQRI75twlL23pt03o2aVheM/edit?usp=sharing You can edit the cells in blue at the bottom if you want to compare different builds or better yet, copy the spreadsheet to your own drive But look at the % difference relative to the original formulas. Are my calculations correct? Because my calculations show that Elf > everything else in Bless MU. Which is kinda dumb... my 20 reset BK is weaker than my 10 reset ELF in both PvM and PvP I feel like this kind of information should be on the front page of the website... I thought I was playing original MU with original stats. Would have been nice to know before I spent my money donating and before I spent a lot of time farming and getting resets...
  3. So BK is significantly nerfed and at max stats, SM does DOUBLE the damage? Am I reading this correctly??? The SM damage at max stats by my calculations will be 50% higher than it would be with the original formulas. But the BK damage at max stats would be 20% lower than it would be with original formulas? Is this right? Also, my BK has more HP than the original formulas should give me. But this topic doesn't say anything about HP formulas being changed. Is this topic up to date with the latest changes?
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