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About viridis

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  1. 1. I'm to old for cry in public, cause some kiddy call me names. 2. I hope the truth is more important than this kid words. 3. I didn't expect the principle of first come, first served. 4. I don't understand the accusation because can't read russian.
  2. Player mood0 call me DOG few times on public chat ( I think you may check in sv logs) so I told him, "dog is your father". Now, why you banned me, not him? Why no one ask me first about that incident? Why you does not check the circumstances? You make decisions based on someone else's word without checking?
  3. After login window just disappears. Last main_error.log [08-05-2023][00:53:53] OTHER EXCEPTION:C0000005 [0A7B14DD] Ebp+4 0A7D6982 [Eax:00 Ebx:75C1C87E Ecx:24A1FE38 Edx:B246098 Esi:00 Edi:CC0004] [08-05-2023][00:53:53] OTHER EXCEPTION:C0000005 [772BDF2B] Ebp+4 008A16B8 [Eax:24A20003 Ebx:22606CE8 Ecx:24A20000 Edx:FFFFF000 Esi:1000 Edi:09] [08-05-2023][00:53:53] OTHER EXCEPTION:C0000005 [772BDF2B] Ebp+4 008A16B8 [Eax:24A20003 Ebx:22606D50 Ecx:24A20000 Edx:FFFFF000 Esi:1000 Edi:03] [08-05-2023][01:02:53] OTHER EXCEPTION:C0000005 [0A8014DD] Ebp+4 0A826982 [Eax:00 Ebx:75C1C87E Ecx:24A4FE38 Edx:B156098 Esi:00 Edi:CC0004] MuError.log Loading ok. [Connect to Server] ip address =, port = 27030 > Login Scene init success. Send Request Server List. Success Receive Server List. > Server group selected - 2 Success Receive Server List. > Server selected - Avalon-1 : 2-0 [ReceiveServerConnect][Socket Closed][Clear PacketQueue] [Connect to Server] ip address =, port = 56090 > Login Request. > Try to Login "XXXXXXXX" > Request Character list Save DumpFile complete - MuError.dmp Windows 7 Event Log Name: Application Source: Microsoft-Windows-CAPI2 Date: DateTime Event ID: 4107 Task Category: None Level: Error Keywords: Classic User: N/A Computer: ComputerName Description: Failed extract of third-party root list from auto update cab at: <http://www.download.windowsupdate.com/msdownload/update/v3/static/trustedr/en/authrootstl.cab> with error: A required certificate is not within its validity period when verifying against the current system clock or the timestamp in the signed file. Solutions for CAPI2 ID: 4107 on microsoft webside no working at all!!
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