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Found 8 results

  1. Голосование проходит но не приходят кешпоинты и не защитывает голос в рейтинг.
  2. x5000 Sell Elf full items 1. Wing 3+luck+9+Return Rate 5%+Damage Rate 2% 2. Black fenrir 3. Set Seraphim + 11+ FO (4op) 4. Hunter crossbow: +luck + 13+ lvl/hp/mana 5. Arrow +12+10%+2%+HP.
  3. Buying List as Below B> Excellent Azure Dragon Blade+S+Any Options+L B> Excellent Saber of Atlantis+S+Any Options+L B> Excellent Duranium Sword+S+Any Options+L B> Demon+S+Any Options+L B> Excellent Phantom Set+13+DD+REF+HP+DR+L
  4. Hello, So we made a deal with this player NikaRium to trade a PVP Bolt+13 to his 4rd Wings+FO+15 but he was taking out the wings each time we traded and I press OK. He was referring to the fact that his inventory is full and pretended to clean the inventory and traded me again put the item that we meant to trade into the trade menu and asking if we made the deal was again taking off the item and the last time he just put his Lvl2 Wings and pressed OK(this was the only time he did it). If possible I wanted to ask the administration to help me finish the deal. As well, I'd like to bring to attention to every player not to make any deal with him. Thank you!
  5. Доброго времени суток. Недавно заметил что после переноса у моих персонажей стало на 1000 меньше купленных статов. До переноса было 2000, после сделал ГТ уже на сервере экстрим 2-м персонажам (прошу заметить вынужденный ГТ, для возврата основных статов). И теперь мне нужно покупать еще раз по 1000? или все же их вернут? Персонажи (-Endless-, Rautville)
  6. will be possible to announce in game quest with 24 h before happened ? ty .
  7. 1. --B-E-S-- 2. Extreme 3. 4.9 4. https://mu.bless.gs/ru/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=DajaVu&serv=server5 https://mu.bless.gs/ru/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=-bEhitEk-&serv=server5 5. https://radikal.ru/video/NKclgb0SCb5
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