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krabiz last won the day on May 14 2022

krabiz had the most liked content!

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170 Excellent

1 Follower

About krabiz

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  1. Gnida ebanaja sam ti nahuj shljuha, huli ti tut otmazivaesha??? Pidar
  2. Starij Volcano vishe bil Dragon Knighta Starij Destroy 128, Titan 120 starij Phantom 136 Brave 128 vse poluchili boost krome nas MGshek
  3. DK Titan bil 120 – stal 135, +15 grade na 1 item = + 75 grade na vesi set Brave bil 128 – stal 142, + 14 grade na 1 item = +70 grade na vesi set DL Paewang bil 120 – stal 142, + 22 grade na 1 item = +110 grade na vesi set Dark master imperial - Armor + gloves + helm = 312 ( y DLa podn9ls9 set bonus v imperiale posle obnovi na 5 o4kov set bonusa) SM Hades bil 120 – stal 142, +22 grade na 1 item = +110 grade na vesi set MG Destroy bil 128 – stal 135, +7 grade na 1 item = +28 grade na vesi set Phantom bil 136 – stal 142, +6 grade na 1 item = +24 grade na vesi set Volcano bil 120.5 – stal 123, +2.5 na 1 item = +10 grade na vesi set Mayhem bil 112 – stal 105, - 7 na 1 item = -26 grade na vesi set ( y MG v igre snizels9 set bonus v Mayheme na 23 o4ka) Pochimu ja v Volcano poluchil +10 a totzhe Titan katorij totzhe grade (padaet takzgs s blue ribbon boxa) poluchil +75?
  4. krabiz


    @Ivan Nebraska Netu u nashih energy elfov makrosa, po oshibke bilo nazhat enter. Bedolagi prosta obizhenie shto nesmozhet osadu vigrat i eto vso.
  5. Vsmisle 4.1? Evo nick BlackWolf, ja evo vsegda nazivaju ChornimPesom on ne vietnamec, a ukrainec kakuju naciu ja tut oskrobil? 4.1. Разжигание межнациональной розни между игроками.
  6. A che tut netak, vsjo po faktu napisal, oni vzali 1 bossa za celij denj 😄
  7. Rano ili pozdno tebe podzajebjot pizdit etih bomzhei i prihodit na pustih eventov ohranatj safezonu...
  8. Soglasen! Potomu i mi topim za 3 servera v odno! No Pallach i co dumaet shto tut beshenie perevesi u vseh, evo MG takzhe odet kak moj MG i takzhe odet kak MGshniki ot servera Mega. Krilja i Peti u vseh est, kto hoteli ih sdelat.... https://mu.bless.gs/ru/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=-OG-&serv=server4
  9. Da kogda polovina sostava na oba storona prihodiat ot raznih serverah 😄 a po nedelu neskem dratsa.....
  10. Da ti che Shanu i Alianceru lutshe znat shto na servere prishodiat
  11. Ta uspakoisa vse uzhe ponjali shto GuarD bojitsa silneei protivnika, vam tolko nravitsa protiv slabeei igrat, tak vi nekogda nepodnimete svoj uroven igri.
  12. Somnevajus shto x10 budet gotovi 😄 Pustj soberaet anc seti i gotovitsa k oktobrju otkritiu novova zaletet k nam, nadeius za pol god oni tam hotj shtoto nafarmit.
  13. 1 person on whole server has hades set 2items 4opt 3items 3opt, and he cant kill anyone 😄 not even energy elf 😄 everybody playing ancient sets, MG SM DL, on our market mayhem set costs 80bon per item 100bon per ichor item, 1500 bon per imperial set. Those ''scary'' excellent sets exist, but you cant kill anybody while wearing them, because we got 15,000 less stats than you.
  14. Shmotki nekogda nebilo problema kupit za deshego iz starih serverah
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