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About Hearts112

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  1. OMG. i killed you with only Decay skill or ice storm skill . I dont need use combo 😄 Brain ??? tell me who is playing combo with number 2035 😄
  2. Do you think combo sm ( 2035 ) People often use the number 1234 to create combo 😂😂😂 2035 i mean : 1 guys was baned chat in next 2035 we cant chat number else ??? Except 1234
  3. you can go to play 2 windows . 1 windows for main BK , 1 windows for your twink SM ( maybe TOP item ). Afk 30seconds- 1minute in BK. Then using your twink SM try to kill the other sm 😄 ( if you killed him. Out your SM and BK will winner. ) (Otherwise " your sm is dead" , OUT of the 2 windows or fight 1vs1 with him 😄
  4. Noob + Spicy man :)))))))
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