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Everything posted by Game4fun

  1. we are playing MU bless. You don't have to play bomb detector. I think if there is a bomb in cc, then I think admin should create an event that playing bomb detection will be more appropriate. Whoever doesn't get bombed will win
  2. Very good about bosses. it brings randomness to the game as well as the possibility of earning for completing flame. Chaos castle really hurts. but trust me. I will still run with a dk max tank :)). Only hacks can kill
  3. Id : thanhkt00 Item : elite house Sever: x500 Last time I see it : 00:57 time sever 08/06/2022 can you help me check from. Thank sir
  4. . hmm I see you live on twitch. and now lost. I can lend you set anc + 9 for temporary use. pm saric x500 if you need
  5. Game4fun


    -Napoleon- | Information | Bless Universe Pls bock thí acc rule 4.16
  6. Game4fun


    4.16. It is forbidden to create characters with nicknames that are similar or the same as the ones that administration or senate members are using in the current moment. Penalty: Block of Account until problem will be solved. :)))) what the fu...
  7. wtf rule 3.1. original of the original MU from Korea you can do everything in the game. Admin changed the health pot to increase the competition. but actually changed the original Mu game structure. Please use your head to play the game. Running is also essential for those who are weaker than their opponents.
  8. Crip, LaiMayBay / Deus / 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.6 - Тюрьма - Bless Gaming Forums
  9. 1. Мой ник: Whisper 2. Игровой сервер: Empire 3. Какой пункт правил нарушен: 4.2 4. Ник нарушителя: -200- https://mu.bless.gs/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=-200&serv=server3 5. Доказательство
  10. All servers call you stupid and you still don't realize it. Or they have to stamp it and send it to your door. You just realized how stupid you really are
  11. the dumbest guys on the server and like to talk a lot. also easy to understand. because a week has 7 days. you have been humiliated for 6 days in afk
  12. When a guil captures a crow all members of the opposing guil will be teleported to loren. here dominator has not shifted. he was in there and summoned his comrades. a game bug too big.
  13. Quite an interesting event. no ex map no pvp map All just common sense. You will choose to increase your score according to the available stats. so new players and long-time players can blend in without any distance
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