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Type-R last won the day on May 31 2022

Type-R had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

1503 Excellent

About Type-R

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  • Birthday 07/29/1989

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  1. 24ч кулдаун. подойди к воротам и увидиш когда святилище закроется, после закрытия еше час + ждать. Для посещения нужен мунстоун ринг, который падает с цц бокса
  2. всмысле не пются? Все пьется как и раньше, просто не быстрее чем ф10.
  3. на сколько я знаю, команды на червяка не работают, белка показывал прототип, но в игру эта функция так и небыла введена
  4. Выбери персонажа в списке и нажми - Release
  5. Type-R

    AE Elf

    Разве нельзя кинуть меньше статов на агилу чтобы избежать этого бага?
  6. As far as i can see in prison yard you are not banned. Unless it's one of your other characters. Can you post what kind of error you have what prevents you from joining the game?
  7. link to the character?
  8. Unfortunately mu is actually very demanding on pc juice, if i am not wrong it uses only one core so core size is important not amount. Also irisx graphics is not ideal. I had a laptop previously where i could switch between intel and nvidia graphics, and performance was many times better with nvidia. It could also be that your laptop is thermal-throttling in these maps? Check if it's not overheating. Lastly try to update drivers. Otherwise try to get in touch with @Drakonis see if he can help.
  9. Dombuldore Rule 4.8 13:27 09.07.2024 13:27 12.07.2024 Rule 4.8 is for breaking rules from other account while the main account is blocked.
  10. Type-R

    Bug inner :))

    cannot see image
  11. Seems like driver or hardware problem.
  12. As far as i know, success rate is 50%, no matter of anything, therefore it is quite hard to get it to max. Don't quote me though, i could be wrong.
  13. Да, ТДМ топовый эвент, жаль что он чахнет
  14. Пару месяцов назад уже делал топик по данной проблеме
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