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Everything posted by triheo1

  1. why is there no admin to check me.......
  2. this is where i was accused from 2 months ago. but no response from admin. I got locked on March 22, I have pm admin from discos and on the forum but the admin team has not replied to me. I asked for contacts to be able to contact the admin . but admin replied to another account of mine that admitted I hack speed. but that person is not me. I tried to explain but (Ivan Nebraska) didn't listen and said if I didn't admit I would be locked out forever. while there isn't any pvp history and there's no clip happening here I then admitted that I use macro admin and said that until the next update admin will unlock my account. I accepted because I thought in a few days I would be released. but so far it's been 15 days i have not received a reply from (Ivan Nebraska) even though i pm him every day. Anyway, it's a speed hack - russel- only got 2.2 I ask the management team to return justice to me
  3. no ban will take place here. Also, admin will show you pvp table :)). and said he doesn't hack speed. I'm so bored and used to admin's way of working
  4. hi admin team
    id: triheo1
    my character name: -Maris-

    Sever  Sever: Origin x30

    My account was locked on March 22, 2022. I think there is some misunderstanding here. I am a player who abides by the rules of the game. I don't understand why I'm locked out. please tell me the reason

  5. hi admin team
    id: triheo1
    my character name: -Maris-

    Sever  Sever: Origin x30

    My account was locked on March 22, 2022. I think there is some misunderstanding here. I am a player who abides by the rules of the game. I don't understand why I'm locked out. please tell me the reason

  6. triheo1

    Hack in CC x30

    CC3 22/11/2021 server time : 19h00 BK hack in CC Video here youtube.com/0H9vi1jSiil
  7. 1) Server : x302) Your nickname : 1stVN-Tris3) What exactly are you buying/selling : sell Mantle luck +94) What exactly are you getting from the other party (if you're the second party, then what you get from the first party) : for 8000 PP into my zgames account : tri1115) Nick of the second party (if you're the second party - your nick) : wannaCRY6) How the deal will be done (the second party should agree to this point and just write - agree) : i will give mantle when i receive 8000 pp in my account zgames7) Confirmation, that you fully read the rules of contractual deals and are aware of the risks. The second person might not fulfill his part of a deal and you will lose everything. : yes
  8. 1) Server: Origin x302) Your nickname: 1stVN-Tris3) What exactly are you buying/selling: give mantle of monarch luck +9 and royal protector shield +all + 13 for few hour4) What exactly are you getting from the other party (if you're the second party, then what you get from the first party): take beforementioned mantle and shield back after castle siege5) Nick of the second party: wannaCRY6) How the deal will be done (the second party should agree to this point and just write - agree): I give him mantle and shield through market under password / he give me back the same way7) Confirmation, that you fully read the rules of contractual deals and are aware of the risks. The second person might not fulfill his part of a deal and you will lose everything: yes
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