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jayb last won the day on July 27 2023

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33 Excellent

About jayb

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  1. Guys who only play games to make a living should never try to kick out people who deposit money for entertainment. The money we spend to maintain the servers goes to support the game. Not with a cheapskate like you. The guys picked up things from the ground to play games
  2. If you can kill BK set Brave 45 +15, 350k HP within 2 seconds. and record video. We're all going to Delete the Game
  3. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha with Zukas it can only be a small mistake.
  4. haha. Let's wait and see what ADM's answer is
  5. simply because you're all just a bunch of people with no birds in their pants. Cowards zukas. you are the shame of mubles I think you guys get out of Mubless then the mubless will be crowded again
  6. you woman don't dare to reply my topic 5000 dollars for this bet what a mean woman haha
  7. and of course there won't be another CS match between zukas and Guar
  8. he's just a kid, and he's always scared of us, he's scared because of it. haha without us no one would fight them, no need to talk to a dog like him
  9. I will take pictures of everything you tell me in Ingame =)))
  10. That time was the only time I asked you because I couldn't contact ADm on frum and you are so funny haha.
  11. When you need it, you beg for help from me and I sell you things at a cheap price. but when something happens you call me a dog. You're such a two-faced, bloody son of a bitch, are you worthy of respect? I think with your personality you should leave because people will scold you even more you idiot
  12. and this is how you put pressure on ADM so that ADM is afraid you will leave and do what you want. Damn it you guys have destroyed a lot of mbless servers. I think you guys should leave
  13. =))) want to compare rich and poor? We are just poor people. If you are brave enough, accept the bet. Don't hide like dogs anymore
  14. after all your accusations and accusations about me. You guys said that I use Macros and software and to this day you guys still talk about it like crazy. you broke the mubless game through all the servers and made the big money players leave because they realized that no matter how much money you deposit, you will use dirty tricks to win and won't I never denounced because there was a powerful man who hates Vietnam behind to protect you. => And now do you dare to bet with me 5000 dollars? if Adm can find out I use any software I will pay 5000 dollars to the server and 5000 dollars to you idiot zukas. otherwise you also have to pay 5000 dollars for the server and 5000 dollars for me. - Are you afraid of me, if you are qualified enough to confirm the bet. 1 bunch of game breakers
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