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About martincxx

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  1. martincxx


    If 1 guy ruining many people's fun is not enough for the staff to do something its ok, but I rather quit the game. It's an AFK game, if I can't let my character leveling afk I don't wanna play anymore. It's not like Beriuti is doing it just one hour a day or something like that, he's 24/7 online doing this. A lot of players already quiting the game because the x50 server, don't let more Mega players quit because of this
  2. martincxx


    We are tired of beriuti, is annoying, please do something
  3. Hello, I want to report player -BerIuti- for breaking rule 4.18 numerous times. I know that I’m not the only player affected by this guy with no life, that the only thing he does is killing afk players leveling ALL DAY LONG for DAYS. Please Bless staff, do something with this guy, it’s good if he does it a couple times, but 24/7 nonstop is annoying. This is a afk game, we suppose to have fun, and level afk meanwhile we do real life stuff. It’s not fair at all that some user to have fun has to ruin the game experience of lots of other players.
  4. martincxx


    Please nerf raven, it's ridiculous how a DL with 6 reset can win a spot to a character with 20k agi
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