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About newavalon

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  1. Don't even bother responding to these bitch made kids pallaQQ and zombie. Obsessed with crying and both try to manipulate(pathetically at that) conversations and quotes, as you can see in each of their novels. Not even worth trying to correct it, it's like arguing with a toxic gf when we were teenagers. And why would mu4 be active if you guys are just trying to be cowards and play the rule book? Fakebook so active they dont attack their own CS. Fakebook so active they never attend CS or BA. Have fun playing with eachother since apparently Facebook is an active competitive guild🤣🤣🤣 See you bozos on the merge
  2. Have to agree with almost everything here. The game is run as a microtransaction business and it's not pretty. I've brought two friends to play this game and they both quit within a week after they realized the road ahead and how much they will need to spend. Telling someone they need to pay $30 a month for boosted xp is comical when even the biggest MMO's dont charge anywhere near that. I honestly struggle to see how they can attract new players especially if they're not nostalgic. I've played for several months now and begrudgingly spent thousands of dollars but am not spending any more after seeing how Vegas unfolded. What a mess and money sink. I doubt our words will change anything for this business but would be happy to engage in constructive criticism. With all that said, this does seem to be the most aesthetically pleasing and best option for MU out there so kudos to the team for building this ancient game up for us.
  3. When do we receive the additional lottery tickets mentioned? Also, is the list available yet?
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