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Found 283 results

  1. Hi Admin, There is some my account in x100: huongga94 kidman87 kstork jaypro89 4.26. Farming of game resources from 7 or more accounts simultaneously per beneficiary is prohibited. Note: Considering that it is common for players to have several accounts with twinks for farming, we are highlighting 5 additional accounts in addition to the main account. This rule was created as a measure to fight with farms. Note 2: The ban is applied by the principle of checking accounts for transferring gained resources to 1 main account. Punishment: From a warning to a permanent block of all accounts. Can some admins explain to me : 1. Where is my 6,7 accounts ? 2. All account still have TOP character set +15, pet, wing ( It look like a farmer ? ) 3. What resources I got farm from your server ? In 6 years play this Mu, I even never afk for zen. 4. Which is clone account and which is the main account, and which account transferring gained resources to main account? My account born to PVP 4,5 years. And now I got busy few months, you guys try to banned because that is farmer ? Who is farmer here ? I never ever farm 10 bon in your server. @Ivan Nebraska@BeL4eNaK
  2. B> Eclipse (Armor, Gloves, Boots) +luck+hp+mana+dd +0+15 Wbon, Bon, Zen (Up to u)
  3. T> Black Fenrir + BON = Spirit of Guardian T> 3rd MG+13+l+ign + 3rd SM+9+l+ign+ret = 4SM+13+l+ign
  4. T>> Cape Of Emperor +L= 3 Wings MG +L nick XEPAK
  5. 1) Mega x1002) Your nickname -Pacho-3) What exactly are you buying 2404 Bons clean4) What exactly are you getting from the other party (if you're the second party, then what you get from the first party) 1300PP clean5) Nick of the second party -Unix kingmuble6) How the deal will be done (the second party should agree to this point and just write - agree) i will donate for him 1300 PP using paypal link, then after confirmation, -Unix will buy item from me in web market.7) Confirmation, that you fully read the rules of contractual deals and are aware of the risks. The second person might not fulfill his part of a deal and you will lose everything. I fully read the rules of contractual deals and are aware of the risks.
  6. Looking for Vine Helm / Gloves / Feet +0-13+L+DD+Mana message here or look for DL Outrage in game Ищу на эльфа Vine Helm / Gloves / Feet +0-13+L+DD+Mana, с предлами в ЛС или в игре DL Outrage
  7. 1. My nickname: Blockchain2. Game server: MEGA x1003. Which rule clause was violated: 2.2 or 8.04. Nickname of the offender: I-Candy-I / P1nch / llGunnerll5. Proof: (screenshot or video) Could admins check coordinates? I won't tell the name of the program (admins know the program, if not - let me know, and I can show you it) which can make adjustments to the game causing these kinds of abuses. Check against coordinates how it all goes, if, on 1st video with Gunner (01:00), his coordinates change immediately or from jumps from starting coordinates to finishing ones. There is an option on the program to abuse it. Also, P1nch + Candy - always does the same, so whether ban them for abusing bugs or double-check coordinates as well against the program. It wouldn't be a problem, but when you abuse with the bug - you also cannot attack while the character goes out, but they can attack while their characters are going out. You cannot damage them and they can - how to kill them without dying?
  8. S>>>>Wings of Eternal +15+PVP=2.2k PP S>>>> PvP Pendant of Fire +13=1k PP S>>>>PvP Hades Set+13=1.5k PP Интересуют ПП и/или Боны Мега х100
  9. 1. My nickname: TheHope2. Game server: MEGA X1003. Which rule clause was violated: 2.2 / 8.04. Nickname of the offender: Shroud / Magik5. Proof: 1:56 - buffing from safety zone non stop. 2:55 - buffing from safety zone + enormous speed 🙂 2:35 - Shroud buffing again from safety zone non stop. 2:42 - Magik joins him buffing from safety zone as well 🙂 2 EEs at the same time, good luck for us holding them 😄 I wouldn't create topic, but it's happening too often. And usually people say it's 'sync' of server, but listen... not like that and not all the time, I haven't seen this shit abused like that 😄 P.S. Cerberum - let me know if rules changed and we can also use that bug non stop like your teammates and you including 😄 or maybe someone plays your SM and does that. It would be a lot easier to abuse that bug 24/7 and just go out without any problems, we would just need to learn to go out without taking damage and making damage - this I still can't figure out how you all do it 🙂
  10. Helloooo. x100 mega bibi aero-services. Admins, question... how to kill BK who does this all the time? ? Other BKs doesn't do that. Even if that is normal and he is playing fair - how to land combos on him? BK + Shield + Dark Scale can he killed only with combos or Power Slash, but in this case - doesn't work due to his magic tricks. Any suggestions @admins? Danke sehr.
  11. Hello. Add Gunner from MEGA to Liveguard list maybe? Besides the fact, that he is using cheats on Mega+Deus and got banned on both servers for a WHOLE month - he is not included in to Liveguard list ? Thank you. Also, how much does it costs to buy out character when you play with speedhack (1month ban)? We are thinking, that with changed rules from Rule 8 for cheats = Rule 2.2, so it's worth playing like Gunner. You play 2-3 months, get ban for 1 month and you can buy out. Or just wait 1 month and again play again for 2-3 months.
  12. 1. My nickname: TheHope2. Game server: MEGA X1003. Which rule clause was violated: 2.2 / 8.04. Nickname of the offender: -atack- on character dsquared25. Proof: 0:42-1:03 starts again with that bullshit when SM goes TP and walks somewhere. His SM teleports faster than server registers due to increased speed and his character moves crazy, usually damage doesn't go to him when he moves like that. He appears on his screen far away, but server registers in the middle. His char usually is flying and at the same time doing combos. As well as no damage to him when he flies like that. He wrote me, that on his screen everything is perfect and nothing happens - so might be that he needs help with something on pc or whatever. Once again, I don't tell that he cheats, but there are 2 options: please help him to make sure his character doesn't do that type of TP without damage and combos flying all the sides or tell how to kill him if no damage goes to him during that 'magic mike' show. And it's not only on my screen, everyone always tells same and I when I've seen that shit again - I asked if that is atack and he told yes. Other SMs don't do that shit Please check and make decision, because if that is normal - I have no idea how to play vs people who gets no damage 90% of time, because they are in different position, than server registers.
  13. 1. My nickname: TheHope2. Game server: MEGA X1003. Which rule clause was violated: 2.2 / 8.04. Nickname of the offender: -atack-5. Proof: 1:53 - atack is in wrong position, his char moves no dmg and when stops at the server registered place, does aqua beam 2:07 - atack teleports faster than server registers due to increased speed and his character moves crazy, usually damage doesn't go to him when he moves like that. Same as Gunner ban - server doesn't register him, but on his screen he is far away. 2:40 - atack again teleports and due to increased speeds - he appears on his screen far away, but server registers in the middle. His char usually is flying and at the same time doing combos. As well as no damage to him when he flies like that. I'm not telling, that he is 100% cheating, just check it, because he is the only SM doing that stuff + other guild members complain. Main problem, that his character always flies somewhere and combos are going from him, but when he flies - no damage goes to it. Similar to Gunner, because of speed adjustments server registers him at different place than he is on his computer. Please check it, might be that he is just laggy as hell, but in that case - tell how to deal with him when damage doesn't go through ?
  14. 1. My nickname: TheHope2. Game server: MEGA x1003. Which rule clause was violated: 2.2 or 8.04. Nickname of the offender: BossBBQ5. Proof: server cleaning services... same speed hack from the same program ? please check his all characters, he plays I think on many accounts. Again offering to do global log check due to excessive use of that software.
  15. 1. My nickname: dsquared2 2. Game server: MEGA x100 3. Which rule clause was violated: 2.2 or 8.0 4. Nickname of the offender: TheHope https://mu.bless.gs/ru/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=TheHope&serv=server6 5 ZERO demage from fire scream, New cheat? Unlike them, I don’t know and don’t use any cheats, so I’m waiting for a fair ban for TheHope
  16. 1. -Relog-2. server: x100 Mega3. rule: 4.2 maybe or?4. Nickname: Perkunas / RAMMSTEIN5. Proof: (screenshot or video): I mean he constantly writes strange stuff, he wants a video chat with men and writes something in your language, so you should understand. It's up to you if that's normal, but for me - they should be punished for that behaviour ?
  17. Howdy doodly. Just wanted to ask, how people do unban themselves from Rule 8? I mean, same people, who uses same cheats. I understand, that you can show how you abused game and than you get unban, but how fair is that? Or if you ask admins to change nick firstly - you can get Rule8 unban, because this is 'different char'? ? Or Perm bans now are for 2 months? Or you can unban for $? I mean, let me know how it is done, I would use same cheats as they are and just unban myself.. why not to use this advantage against others ? SERVER : MEGA X100
  18. X100 MEGA S>MG wing2+L+ignore+9 = SM wing2+L+ignore (i have MG wings)
  19. Pinq

    K9Dragon 2.1

    1. Мой ник: grand2. Игровой сервер: X1003. Какой пункт правил нарушен: 2.14. Ник нарушителя: K9Dragon5. Доказательство: запнулся на 1 секу, прилетело 2 комбо в лицо, дак еще и после того как я упал он продолжал делать эти комбо))) если вы мне напишите что тут нету комбо, то можете назад разрешать их -) можете всех этих ускоглазых чертей у кого ник начинается на K глянуть по своему новому "комбо логированию"
  20. When you try to take stuff for ET points - you get this message. Everyone, not just me. Please fix it ?
  21. Howdy doodly. I just wanted to find out, how does it work with Rule 8? on x100 MEGA, 2-3 characters have been unbanned and they sell out items without any problem. I thought, that Rule 8 is permanent, but I guess not? This one got unbanned and sold / sells items now. Another one was UnnameD, also got unbanned and sold items.. If I remember well, GUCCI or QuanVu was also unbanned and sold items after using cheats.. How it really works? Maybe it is worth cheating, farming and getting top items/wings and then just sit in prison for 1month.. I am like an idiot just donating, while I can cheat and farm with such funny penalties ?
  23. Sell DL SNICKERS x100 mega server with items = offer https://mu.bless.gs/lv/index.php?page=marketchars&id=169414&serv=server6
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