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Updated Castle Siege concept

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How to make sieges more interesting, motivate more players to participate in them, and create conditions where the same guild won't be able to hold a castle for too long?

Guild limits 35/40 | Free alliance creation: no | Siege buff: yes
Always automatic registration for the siege of TOP 3 guilds by rating.

First siege (after opening the server)
     3 attacking guilds without alliances

First defense
     3 attacking guilds without alliances

After 1 successful defense
     Neutral castle at the start of a siege, all participants start as attackers
     2 attacking guilds and 1 owner's guild also attacking (all without alliances)

After 2 successful defenses (if during the siege with a neutral castle, the guild that previously owned the castle won again)
    1 attacking guild (top 1 guild from the rating) + 1 guild (from the top 10 rating) with it in alliance

After 3 successful defenses and more
    1 attacking guild (top 1 guild from the rating) + 2 guilds (from the top 10 rating) with it in alliance


Neutral castle on siege: just before the siege, the castle becomes neutral, as it's like on the first siege on a new server, and the defender's guild automatically falls into the ranks of the attackers.

Alliance - in normal mode, no one can make alliances. If the owners of the castle defended it twice in a row, then the top 1 guild, which will go on a siege, will have the opportunity to create an alliance. An alliance can only be created with a guild that is in the TOP 10 rating. After three successful defenses and further, one more guild can be taken into the alliance.

At 22:00 on Saturday, the TOP1 guild has the opportunity to create alliances.
At 12:00 on Sunday - automatic registration for the siege.
If the guild has not created an alliance with anyone in this period of time, then when registering for a siege, one of the TOP 10 guilds with which you will have to go to the siege will be assigned to the alliance. So, in your interests, you will need to learn how to create military alliances.

At 12:00 on Saturday:
1) If it's a first defense after a change of owners and there are 3 guilds in the alliance that own the castle, then only the weakest guild will be removed from the alliance (if there are 2 guilds in the alliance, then the alliance will remain as is). That is, for the first time it will be possible to defend the castle in an alliance and the alliance guild will receive another additional week of ownership of the castle.
2) If it's is a second defense, then the alliance of the guild owning the castle is automatically destroyed. You cannot defend a castle in an alliance more than once.

In other words, if you captured a castle together with an alliance, then the first defense can be done by two guilds of the alliance.

At 23:00 on Sunday, the alliance is automatically destroyed for guilds that could not capture the castle while in the alliance.

The alliances themselves will now be used exclusively for castle sieges. In normal mode, you will not be able to be in an alliance if you do not own a castle.

To summarize:

We get 3 types of sieges:
1. Standard, where 3 guilds attack and one defends.
2. Neutral castle, where the defenders also start as attackers.
3. Attack of the alliance, where the top guild gets the opportunity to attack along with helpers.

The main point of the alliance attack is that there is only one attacking side and no competition for the castle switches. We are creating the best conditions for the most promising guild, for the battle for the castle. And automatic registration by rating will reduce the possibility of participation of fake "dummy" guilds.

This concept works on all our servers.

Short version:
If no one was able to take the castle from the owners, then we play a siege once with a neutral castle. If still not successful, then we give the top guild an alliance and send them to the siege, where there will be only one side of the attackers, so that no one interferes with the switches.

Wiki source

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Participants for the upcoming siege:

If ZurkaS win again, next siege will start with the neutral castle.

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I remind you that this Sunday the siege will begin with a neutral castle. All participants will start as attackers.

Participants will be selected by guildbuff at the time of registration on Sunday. A total of 3 guilds will participate.


The castle will be made neutral around 12:00 on Sunday (so far the whole process is done by hand).

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I remind you that on Saturday at 22:00, the guild that will participate in the siege will be determined by the highest guildbuff. This guild will have the opportunity to accept any guild from the top 10 into its alliance. For now, all actions will be carried out by me manually.

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The castle has changed ownership, so the next siege will involve 3 attacking guilds without alliances. Registration by guild rating - top 3.

At 12:00 on Saturday, the alliance of the guild owning the castle will be automatically destroyed. Defending the castle in the alliance won't be possible.

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I remind you that the next castle siege will start from a neutral castle - all participants will start as attackers.

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The ANALoG guild gets the opportunity to choose one of the top 10 guild from the rating for the alliance in order to go on a siege with them tomorrow.fff20613c69b649f2b1d82dbae5bdb5b.png
Write here with whom you will make an alliance, the automatic system did not work, we will do it manually.

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We continue our efforts to make it more difficult for the dominant guild to hold a castle for a long time.

After the next siege, the siege buff for a successful defense or a destroyed statue will be slightly increased:


  • Increase Damage +5%
  • Absorb Damage +3%
  • True Damage PvP +150
  • Maximum Life +1000

After the update:

  • Increase Damage +8%
  • Absorb Damage +4%
  • True Damage PvP +200
  • Maximum Life +3000

Also, I still have doubts about the point of a neutral castle siege option where all sides start as attackers. Judging by the history of sieges, this almost never results in a change of ownership. Perhaps it would be better, after one successful defense, to immediately move on to a siege with the help of an alliance? Because when attacking in an alliance, the attacking side clearly has a greater chance of taking the castle than with a neutral castle, where two guilds interfere with each other.

We are also considering options to allow a weak guild to defend once in an alliance and to allow alliance members to hold switches for the GM of the alliance on the crown during a siege.

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 I really appreciate your work effort to bring equal playing field for more players on this project. I think neutral castle and CS buff for attacking guild are amazing, however these is few major issues regarding rest of the new rules for Origin x30 server. 
1. The alliances created against other guilds will would never work. You can not make players go to CS if they don't want to. 
2. NO alliances can be created now if 2 guilds want to join and play together during the week. 
3. NO hostility can be made again twin guild to help stun during CS, while other guild has it before new rules came in to place. Now the guilds who had hostility with twin guild has advantage against the guild who is not allowed by new rules to create one. 

If you have right to created alliances with other guild, why you don't starts from disbanded all alliances and hostilities in first place? 
Easy solution for all: Just make CS buff double every week vs the owner of the castle after first successful defence. 10% buff for 2nd week, 20% for third week and so on. Dominant guilds won't be able to defend for long time. Open all alliances and hostilities for all, let the people decide with who they want to defend/attack. Defending guild will need help to defend the castle after few weeks or lose it.  

I am only speak about my own experience. 

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42 минуты назад, zilvinas11 сказал:

 I really appreciate your work effort to bring equal playing field for more players on this project. I think neutral castle and CS buff for attacking guild are amazing, however these is few major issues regarding rest of the new rules for Origin x30 server. 
1. The alliances created against other guilds will would never work. You can not make players go to CS if they don't want to. 
2. NO alliances can be created now if 2 guilds want to join and play together during the week. 
3. NO hostility can be made again twin guild to help stun during CS, while other guild has it before new rules came in to place. Now the guilds who had hostility with twin guild has advantage against the guild who is not allowed by new rules to create one. 

If you have right to created alliances with other guild, why you don't starts from disbanded all alliances and hostilities in first place? 
Easy solution for all: Just make CS buff double every week vs the owner of the castle after first successful defence. 10% buff for 2nd week, 20% for third week and so on. Dominant guilds won't be able to defend for long time. Open all alliances and hostilities for all, let the people decide with who they want to defend/attack. Defending guild will need help to defend the castle after few weeks or lose it.  

I am only speak about my own experience. 

1 Castle  = 16% 

Че ты куриш ?12412412312312512512.png.67ae82881430ec23aea5b7bed4e3d4cc.png

Edited by shemanice
  • Haha 1

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