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Ivan Nebraska

Screenshot Contest - Clans at their best

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I think it’s impossible to imagine MU without guilds, PvP, and especially Castle Siege - the main competitive event, which is what most players strive for and the main theme of the game. And without strong allies, you will not see the crown and title of the strongest.  And in this contest, you will have to show your best in front of the entire project.

Get together, dress in the best sets of armor, and pick an epic background. In one phrase - show that you are the most worthy. If your clan currently owns a castle, why not take a screenshot there? The photo mode will also help you in this matter - the “Y” button.

Prize for the photographer who took the screenshot:

  •  First place - 500 web bonuses
  •  Second place - 400 web bonuses
  •  Third place - 300 web bonuses

The rest of the guild members from the screenshot will receive 50, 40, and 30 server bonuses, respectively.

Don't focus on getting bonuses, after all, a screenshot may have a more sentimental use🤔



Screenshots requirements:


- Resolution - at least 1360x768
- Turn off "Monster Health Bar" and "Show System Messages"
- Turn Off chat (using F2 button)
- Show Buff Icons. Better turn it off, but if the buff icon will have some kind of artistic value, you may keep it.
- The same rules concern pets. Better to take them off, but if they are necessary for your composition, you can keep them.

Only 1 screenshot for a guild is accepted. Usage of Photoshop and other editors is not allowed.

In the post leave your:

  1.  Guild name
  2.  Your nickname and server
  3.  Nicknames of all characters from your screenshot
  4.  Screenshot 

The contest will last until January 10. Rewards will be sent on January 12.

Form clans, try hard to be the best guild on the server, and enjoy the game!

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  1.  MU4life
  2.  RAIZ Avalon
  3. MrDaniels Irisu RAIZ edzayo yseraa Culta makoUS CHemp1k xBLuSaXx Peacefull/RawBlade Renchix/Download
  4. Picture of MU4Life in its prime !
Edited by gohann
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After that we created our Guild 😄

  1. Greece
  2. Jayden / Jade
  3. Stoned, Jayden, Jaden, Bufferina
  4. Uploaded



Edited by vahzz
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  1.  Vikings
  2.  Opex / Jade
  3.  Floki, Skelm, Origen, FlyME, Opex


Edited by origen
added Nicknames of all characters from your screenshot

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It's a bit of a delayed time to sum up the contest🧐. Nonetheless...

Third place for a cozy winter screenshot from bibi_mb2 and the XaPaC guild



Second place went to the the Royal guild and the Mkkk screenshot, which showed how to party



First place - the most imperial of the participating guilds rightfully goes to the GGwp guild and a screenshot from e6i6a (we, unlike Aliancer, were not bribed 😏)



The qBaccaa screenshot from the GuarD guild received a special prize for its efforts to make it funny



It's a pity that so few guilds decided to join the contest, next time we'll make the prizes even better.

Thank you all for your participation, as well as for your patience due to the delay in summarizing the results. See you in the MU Bless Online project.

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