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gohann last won the day on June 23

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  1. Hmm, Pallach boy, what is the problem with me? Are you upset because I said we're like mice no rat? I don't get it. I think you dont know what is a rat and what is a mice! All I can see is that you are totally mad at this point! And Salaga is singing a popular song in Latvia, which Edza already posted! Now that I think about it, that song perfectly explains what happens when you're online, but I'm not. https://genius.com/Mauku-sencis-and-grandmasters-neons-pistavmam-lyrics
  2. x20 Scepters = 4sets - it is called bad luck! Merge will be fun , everybody will decide witch whom they want to play with and even after that there will be power moves. I am ready to make friends
  3. @Carnage Dude, can't you stop being a jerk for a moment and see the issue here? What are you even talking about right now here ? @thecapslock If you have any issues with a specific player, make a proper topic where it belongs. Have you even read what Edza said in his post? You are the Mr. Avalon Got Talent materials! Please read, learn, and then comment something! I will explain the issue here. Guild A (10FPS) and Guild B (Mu4Life) are the main contenders in the Castle Siege event on Avalon every fcking weekend. Guild A (10FPS) wants to ensure their victory by sabotaging Guild B's (Mu4Life) efforts, and they use a twink guild, Guild C (Facebook) and poor little Carnage, to achieve this. The Sabotage Using Twink Guilds: Members of Guild A (10FPS) create or collaborate with a secondary, lower-ranked guild (Facebook). This twink guild participates in activities with not real members. Point Boosting: Guild A (10FPS) and Guild C (Facebook) work together to manipulate the Guild point system. Guild A (10FPS) moves their players to Guild C (Facebook), which then deliberately allows boost points. Betrayal During Alliances: If there are any temporary truces or alliances, Guild C (Facebook) might pretend to cooperate with Guild B (Mu4Life). At a critical moment, such as the the Castle Siege, Guild C (Facebook) backstabs Guild B (Mu4Life), attacking them when they least expect it, leading Mu4Life to lose the event. It is Banable Offense in ALL THE OTHER GAMES In many other online games, such tactics are considered unsportsmanlike and are banable offenses. Activities such as using secondary accounts (twink guilds), point boosting, intentional disruption, and betrayal during alliances violate the principles of fair play and integrity that competitive gaming relies on. Players engaging in these behaviors can face penalties such as temporary or permanent bans, point deductions, or disqualification from events. P.S. If this isn't exactly what happened, then I don't know how delusional you all are! If the admins say there are no such rules, then fine, have it your way. Merge and get your ass beaten, and save this post, because Pallach would definitely post the same thing if that happened with him !
  4. Well, for what it's worth, @Carnage, just stop already. The fact is, you are the only one who truly benefits from kissing everyone's ass, hiding under your stream with new players, and showing how good of a guy you are. Here we go again with these Discord screenshots and stuff. Players who have been around for a while already know that you switch sides only when it benefits you. You're just a little man. You already said yourself "Admins can check whether or not I went to kill BA bosses and attended events. They are all in the logs. Also, why do you keep blabbering about 10 FPS helping our guild? Is it against the rules? And who said I’m going to attack the guild who helped me? Who says I’m going to CS this week? Are you assuming or what? Or maybe you can see the future?" You just said you are not doing that! Well, for a fact, they can check, and all the evidence leads there. I don't know what kind of deal it is, but it is just silly! Don't be so defensive all the time—these are just facts. If people weren't spending money on this server, no one would be so negative. But since players are spending and taking castle siege seriously, at least respect that. In other games, all these talks with different guilds or even sabotage are banable offenses! I say once more: Mu4Life is not a bunch of fatsoes sitting at the computer all the time. For almost a year, you've been crying about those events, that we are not attending. Well, I don't care about those events that much. When we have time and players online, we go. I have never run two windows or played with more than one character—that's just sick and stupid. I simply don't see a reason to be online every 15 minutes in BA or even going to events where the guild buff shows nothing. As we can see, even the difference in the guild buff or castle defenders % is not helping! In the end, can't you see that the issue is that these actions have sabotaged the whole Avalon server? Now, for a fact, you can say the server is dead. If no action is taken on these issues, then see ya! You can say you won against me, but for a fact, I'll be sipping a drink "as you all want so badly" and post a picture later—while you all are sweating in your chairs again at events, BA and playing with yourselves. P.S. I can see so much activity in this post, but we are only waiting for the admins to decide. It seems like all the 10 FPS players are here defending and screaming, etc. Usually, people who know they did something wrong act this way! Common knowledge! 🙂 ahh and right now, you had a competition, @pallachh99, but you just messed it up! I know for a fact that if you get moved to x100 or anywhere with -og-, Beasty, or 12zen, you will get your ass kicked, and again you will be crying, screaming, and losing - you had one server to fight and you just lost it!
  5. @Real_Carnage Did you fight in BA? Or it was 10fps who defended your guild to farm BA? Did your members farm BA? Or it was 10fps members moved to your guild to farm BA? Did you go to events and dominate alone? Or 10fps let you dominate and take points? Since youre here , why dont u provide us list of active tributes in your guild , so we can see if there is even more 10fps help in there. How come it is that you get all this help from castle defenders , and now you will attack them? And with what army ? Also could you please comment on the accusations that correspond to the topic? Please tell us what u have to say about 4.23 , you saying , and i quote : “JUST USE CTRL TO KILL MU4LIFE LAST GATE” , while being alliance to MU4Life. Why after CS suddenly 10fps move characters to your guild and help you with all described points to gain top 1 ? Im not even going to go in detail with your saying , admin can check all logs and come to conclusion themselves.
  6. You are taking such a small portion out of context! For example, in Avalon, there are still players like you who are grinding and gathering items, waiting for the best fit for their needs. By moving to Jade, all the prices would align with those in Jade, or even some Avalon players might drop their prices just because they need bonds for top items. But you guys need other items and perks! Don’t be so selfish—think about others. Jade would not be destroyed. There would be power moves, guild alliances, guild rebrands, and so on. Even, for example, everybody from Jade would benefit! More players, more moves—faster upgrades. Easy way to earn bons.
  7. https://files.fm/u/96xcjhd94m
  8. 1. Мой ник: RawBlade 2. Игровой сервер: x50Avalon 3. Какой пункт правил нарушен: 4.1 4. Ник нарушителя: https://mu.bless.gs/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=CAPS&serv=server3 https://files.fm/u/9w6rye5zny
  9. 1. Мой ник: CHemp1k 2. Игровой сервер: x50Avalon 3. Какой пункт правил нарушен: 4.1 4. Ник нарушителя: https://mu.bless.gs/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=edness&serv=server3 https://files.fm/u/yuakfn9sds
  10. You hurt my feelings when I applied to join your guild, and you said no because I was in a Rave set +9. You wanted me to be in a Plate set with +dd, +ref, +hp, and +15.
  11. What are you even talking about? You want a higher drop rate for Imperial Sets? The Imperial Set is already OP as it is. If they increase the drop rates, every guild holding a castle will end up with Imperial Sets, while weaker guilds will have to pay a lot to get them. This would eliminate any chance for a fair fight for the castle! The Imperial Set is a game-changer! It will be impossible to even cross Loren Bridge! The Imperial Set is OP AF just because the Dark Lord isn't staggering. Stupid. BK doesn't matter, just paper in these sets and for team fight you need exc. set. SM in ichor does well, just because of teleport and ranged attack. MG in mayhem is a machine gun with a lot of damage output. ELF could also be a game-changer just because of the increased mana. Downgrade the Imperial even more? C'mon, do you really think that would change a thing? For example, if Zurkas start farming lower-grade ancient items, do you think you have a chance? Every class has its own role, and the Dark Lord is the main weapon. They will dominate even faster. Numbers don't lie. Greedy bastards
  12. gohann


    qbaccaaaaaa let’s be real for a second—MuOnline is a game from 2000. It’s old, and with players from all over the world, lag and "De-sync" issues are inevitable. It’s just part of the package. For example, try CrossFire. It's super popular in Korea, but if you try to shoot someone there, good luck hitting anything due to the lag and de-sync. Same deal here—some quirks are just part of playing a global, classic game. Instead of whining, maybe stop investing in Pallach and invest in a better PCs for guild and you can rebrand guild from 10fps to NASApc. And honestly, all I see in those videos is you guys exploiting the system. Every click moves your character one block at a time. When you click around rapidly, your character moves in a bunch of different directions, and the game registers all those clicks.. You have to click like a maniac to get that crazy movement. If you just press and hold, it's not nearly as bad. Seriously, accept that this is a 2000 game and stop complaining. Or hey, maybe Bel4enak could give up skating, coronas and free-time and make a whole new game! ALSO Don't mind me i'm not playing anymore just salting in forum against you !
  13. gohann

    Proposed merger

    Here's my opinion about the situation in Avalon. For me, I've lost the passion to play the game because every time I log in, there are only BA fights since I have almost everything on my BK. To keep good activity on the server, there should be something more than just BA fights at the end game. For example, we have discussed this before - why not create some kind of quest system for gathering different gear to make resets? If I have 51 resets and 40 tributes, for the next tribute, I might need an item that is hard to get, which would require me to go to the goldens or somewhere else. Or even to make reset you need to participate atleast X endless tower , X deathmatches etc. For instance, to make a reset, I might need to get leather gloves with certain options and enhancements, like +11. To get that, I would need to buy boxes, farm, and try to get that item or craft it. This would apply to every reset, with each player's challenge being different and randomized. This would move the market and make the game more interesting. Even if Avalon gets merged, and some of the guilds get merged too, PVP players would keep on fighting among themselves. However, the other players who might enjoy the server options will not start or do anything because right now every server is dying when the top players have reached their endgame. There needs to be a little more fun added. Personally, I don't see the point in standing in BA all day that buff is not helping much on CS either-way, and I'm not even doing that because I don't enjoy it since i am not playing with more than a one opened window ! 😄
  14. gohann

    Proposed merger

    Mu4Life is ready for a Merger. You may ask why ? Well Frodo(Pallach) with Sam(-Crystal-) came to deliver the crown to me.... Yes the one to rule them ALL All jokes aside! Totally agree merger will move market and competition will be god tier. It is beneficial for all parties.
  15. Want to get VIP in Bless without breaking the bank? Here’s a cool tip to save those €30 you need for your VIP! It’s the weekend, and you’re about to buy your usual gin and tonic. But what if you skip it just once? By not buying those drinks, you magically save about €30. Boom! You’ve just dodged those weekend spending traps! Now, with that saved cash, you can donate and get VIP status on your favorite Bless server. Imagine walking through the game with your VIP - no hangover and extra zen, extra spots, extra dmg and you can sleep well, because no one will kill you while AFK farming at night. So, swap out your weekend drinks for a whole month of VIP in bless. Cool stroy bro
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