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About zzxc11

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  1. Buff point BA for dummy guild (Facebook) Tiktak, NGC3388, MrDJ, Borris were in 10fps last 4 weeks ))
  2. zzxc11


    1. Ritu032. Avalon3. 4.24. https://mu.bless.gs/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=MrDJ&serv=server3 5.
  3. Mày có thể sử dụng ngôn ngữ nào thông dụng hơn 1 chút được không ? Google của tao không dịch được ngôn ngữ của mày.
  4. so you play RASKA or endles? Who can confirm that ? Should we check IP ? If that was not you. We can confirm that you try to ban just because you are a member of 10fps.
  5. Hi Admins, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to you today as an active member of the Mu Online Bless community. Over the past few months, I've observed a decline in player activity on our current server. As someone deeply invested in the game, I am concerned about the sustainability of our community in its current state. In light of this, I propose a solution that I believe will benefit both the players and the overall health of the Mu Online Bless experience: the merger of our server with the x10 server.I understand that server mergers involve logistical challenges and careful planning. However, I believe that the long-term benefits far outweigh the short-term complexities. I urge the management team to consider this proposal seriously and initiate discussions with the relevant stakeholders. You may think that this is just my personal one-sided opinion. Therefore, I hope that you can deploy a vote so that everyone can contribute their opinions. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to hearing your thoughts and collaborating with you to make our vision a reality. Sincerely, Mu4Life x50.
  6. Character : IMO-Saric Sever: Avalon/x50 My account got banned in this case : In this case, I don't know how you guys relied on the evidence to conclude that I used macros. While this character was pvp on BA, his son accidentally stepped on the Enter button, which caused the screen to display the actions he was performing. And you rely on those operations to lock my account, even though those operations are done manually. Can I ask for more definitive evidence from the LOG PVP system? Or if you just press a few buttons, your account will be locked and blackmailed? @BeL4eNaK@Ivan Nebraska If you guys can prove more definitive evidence .. I ready to get banned permanent and leave the game forever. Because for me, using macros is an insult to myself.
  7. Ready to fight .. Ready to join the stronger side .. HAHAHA. I also have some account x50 x100 x30. Selling : ------- 16 wings level 4 clean. (just 500pp/ each) ------- 5 Demon, 2 Spirit, 3 Shadowmere ------- Sunlight +15 HP DD + xx ------- Hade 2,3 opt +15 ------- Knight HP DD +13 ------- Phantom good opt +13 ------- Many Sword + Shield + Mace full opt + pvp ------- 2 Wings level 5 2,3 opt ------- A lot of anc set Icho, Mayhem, imperial +11 ------- 1 EE ready to buff (devine set +15, wing level 5, spirit, 190 achi). ------- 1 tons character full everything + achi > 190 Buy : -------- Brave HP DD REF + xx (do not buy 3 opt ) -------- Heaven, Duradium 6 opt (or trade to mine 5 opt + PP) -------- Ring Pen 5 opt (or trade mine 4 opt + pp)
  8. Уважаемые администраторы, @Ivan Nebraska, @BeL4eNaK Я пишу с предложением необходимой корректировки в расписании мероприятий в свете приближающегося зимнего сезона и связанных с ним изменений в часовых поясах. Для обеспечения удобства и включительности нашего мероприятия, я рекомендую перенести время проведения мероприятия на 1 или 2 часа раньше. По мере приближения зимних месяцев изменения в часовых поясах могут вызывать сложности для наших участников из разных уголков мира. Главные события - Kanturu Domination и Asteroth, являются двумя самыми крупными событиями в нашей игре. Однако, как вы упомянули, время проведения этих событий создает проблемы для игроков из разных часовых поясов. Во Вьетнаме это 1:00 ночи, на Филиппинах - 2:00 ночи, а в Японии - 3:00 ночи. Эти поздние часы могут быть неудобными для многих игроков, чтобы активно участвовать в этих событиях, что может вызвать разочарование и упущенные возможности для вовлечения. Путем сдвига времени проведения мероприятия мы можем уменьшить эти проблемы и обеспечить более легкое участие для всех участников без нарушений. Этот проактивный подход отражает наше стремление обеспечить безупречный и доступный опыт для нашей разнообразной аудитории. Прошу вас рассмотреть это предложение, которое способствует успеху и удовлетворенности наших мероприятий. Спасибо за внимание к этому вопросу, и я с нетерпением жду ваших отзывов и рекомендаций относительно предлагаемого изменения времени. С уважением, Все игроки из Вьетнама, Филиппин, Японии и Австралии.
  9. Dear Admins, @Ivan Nebraska, @BeL4eNaK I am writing to propose a necessary adjustment to the event schedule in light of the upcoming winter season and the associated time zone changes. To ensure the convenience and inclusivity of our event, I recommend moving the event time earlier by 1 or 2 hours. As we approach the winter months, time zone changes can create complications for our global participants. Main Kanturu Domination and Asteroth event is the both of biggest event in game. However, the timing of these events, as you've mentioned, poses challenges for players in different time zones. In Vietnam, it's 1:00 AM, in the Philippines, it's 2:00 AM, and in Japan, it's 3:00 AM. These late-night/early morning hours may not be convenient for many players to participate actively in these events, which can lead to some frustration and missed opportunities for engagement. By shifting the event time, we can mitigate these issues and make it easier for all attendees to join without disruption. This proactive approach reflects our commitment to providing a seamless and accessible experience for our diverse audience. I kindly request your consideration of this adjustment, which will contribute to the success and satisfaction of our event. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to your feedback and guidance on the proposed time change. Sincerely. All player from Vietnam, Philippine, Japan, Australia.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgbuVaUvnrU 01:23 Admin say that have nothing different between this real test and my report :)) 02: 30 Drakonis say that NoobDW can kill me, so he is innocent :)) (Admin do not care how flitch he is.) 03 :00 He get flitch and can't deal the smooth damage. Admin and his team said, He was flitch and still deal damage because my Ping was high :)) But I used the same IP when I filmed this test clip and the clip I recorded for reporting. I have nothing say..
  11. 1. Мой ник: например: IMO-Saric2. Игровой сервер: Avalon3. Какой пункт правил нарушен: Unknow4. Ник нарушителя: https://mu.bless.gs/en/index.php?page=info&act=getchar&name=NoobDW&serv=server35. Доказательство: (скриншот или видео) First of all, hope everybody enjoy this video below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA7FYwNYVh8 Time: ‎October ‎14, ‎2023, ‏‎1:37:36 AM 1. I've been playing at Bless for nearly 6 years, across more than 6 servers. I have never met a DW player who is able to deal damage continuously and smoothly like this, his damage does not stop even when he has a seizure. I've played against Snuff, ORDER (aka 12zen), Guard (special -AlooooooooE-), Buzz, Zurkas. There were wins and there were losses, but I never complained about them because I knew clearly they beat me because they played better, not because of some cheating tricks. 2. I'm not sure if the DW in the clip I mentioned above used software or not, I don't confirm that. I hope that Admin can help me check more clearly why he was able to cause damage while having a seizure. I will analyze a few things, which almost anyone with experience can easily understand. About the gold option on equipment. - Each class receives damage equally from other players. That amount of damage will be deducted from SD by 90% and from health by 10%. When 10% of the damage is absorbed into the blood, it will cause a flitch effect. When a shock occurs, almost no one will be able to easily move or fight back. You will be shocked for about 1 second. When it comes to a class like DW or MG, 1 second is too much to deal damage. Therefore, we will add the "SD ratio 10" line into 1 of 5 equipment. At this time, 100% of damage received from outside will be deducted from SD, 0% from health. And we will no longer be shocked. - Clearly, 90% SD + 10% heal + "SD ratio 10" = 100% SD "SD ratio 10" means transferring 10% of damage received from health to SD. If you take 1000 damage from an enemy, that 1000 damage will be deducted from your SD, 0 damage from your health. So you won't get shocked. - But it's not that easy, if you have an "SD ratio 10" on item. Enemies will add the yellow option "SD decrement 20" to their weapons. At this time 90% SD + 10% heal + "10% SD ratio" - "SD decrement 20" = 80% SD + 20% heal "SD decrement 20" means transferring 20% of damage received from SD to health. If so, when you take 1000 damage, 800 will be deducted from your SD and 200 will be deducted from your health. Therefore, you will be shocked by the opponent. By calculating like that, we can easily realize that: - 1 equipment with "SD ratio 10" will not be shocked if the opponent's weapon does not have "SD decrement 20" - 3 equipment with "SD ratio 10" will not be shocked if the opponent only has 1 weapon with "SD decrement 20" - 5 equipment with "SD ratio 10" will not be shocked if the opponent has 2 weapons with "SD decrement 20" The second, base on the basic formula above, I can conclude that there is no possible way to deal damage like DW in next video below. https://youtu.be/qSLPcOkIdIk During enjoy the video, you guys should adjust speed x0.25 to see easier. The third one, Are you confused whether he wears 3 "SD ratio 10" items or not? Or do I use a weapon that has the "SD decrement 20" option? I think this will be easy for Admin to check when the video I recorded was at 02:06:25 November 19, 2023. Plus, NoobDW is just a monster and skips flitch at night, in the morning he doesn't even do damage. Why ? Because those are 2 different players. In the evening, NoobDw player is GiaBao, who has been in prison 3 times on this server. And now he clean: https://forum.bless.gs/index.php?/topic/71904-giabao-avalon-22-31/page/2/ This video to show that in the morning, He very clean, and can't deal damage like the night :)) Compare both of video below with 2 video above and see what is different? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMnVyU711y4 This video I try to test that case. And exactly what the normal DW can do. https://youtu.be/idK9iWlzbs0 All argument above. I do not talk about how strong he is, I am talking about how smooth his damage is. (My BK is top1, Full items + 15, Ring Posion + Ice + 15) The finally, How his log pvp is clean ? That is the hard question because Admin can't see anything from his log. Admins never cheat on their project. So they do not know that a lot of hacker out there can bypass the live guard with 25 USD and clean log. Like Homiez's case, Admin will never find anything unusual in the log system. Admin can only judge base on calculations such as how many hits per second, or the animation of each move regardless of the agi : https://forum.bless.gs/index.php?/topic/74335-homiez-speed/&tab=comments#comment-804065 I spent $125 to hire a hacker. He easily uses cheats even with live guard. I believe this hack is exactly the same as what admin found out when I mentioned this issue to Drakonis on discord. https://youtu.be/edU9EECBisA That video to help you guys answer the question: How do we use the cheat within live guard in this topic: https://forum.bless.gs/index.php?/topic/74647-avalon-noobdw-22/ ********** Conclude: 1. How to hit and run, deal a smooth and continuous amount of damage: Use flitch resistance 2. How to never miss combo: Use attack delay (Skill Poison and Ice deal the smooth damage. Normal we just can deal 3 or 4 hits per second, cheat help poison and ice deal over 10 15 20 hits per second) P/s: Actually, I not sure NoodDW is cheater or not. I just hope admin and all experience out there look at this case. If the admin thinks he's clean, it's okay. If the admin thinks he hacked, I hope we should issue a warning. I don't want any eternal punishment here. I believe he will never use the 5th hack again. What I hope in this report is that administrators improve the project's ability to resist cheat/hack. Give me 6 month VIP please ! I spend 125 USD to create this topic 😞
  12. auto picks up gems. break Mu bless's rule of only choosing to pick up gems. instead of picking up Mu's auto
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