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About Real_Carnage

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  1. Quest 1 Winners: Pimpal Pimpal Jurvakie Pimpal Pimpal Quest 2 Winners: neistovyy- tom1lux Pimpal ExcalibuR ExcalibuR Quest 3 Winners: neistovyy- Jurvakie tom1lux neistovyy- Pimpal
  2. Hi @BeL4eNaK, with TDM requiring 8 members to start the event, what can we do with servers with lower population? To think this is still part of the "achievements". New players coming in will find it very hard to complete this achievement since the server rarely reach 8 participants. Sometimes it will be just four to six. Hope we can retract this or make a better update about it. Thank you so much!
  3. Hello everyone! On 24.07.2024 at about 15:00 server time, game quests (mini-game events) will be held on Vegas server. Participate and win server bonuses! It will be held here: https://www.twitch.tv/wxyzombie
  4. Agree on this. Imperial Set is too overpowered so it's just reasonable and fair to make it challenging to complete. If Admins will also do what Beasty recommended, removing Prime or even Golden Sets on Omega, it will be way easier to complete top ancient sets as the list is narrowed down to only dropping top items, making it easier for servers to get flooded with those. The current setup and drop rates are okay and I don't see any problem with it. If I may suggest on the other hand, I think it is better to increase damage output on Empire so it becomes useful in replacement with Imperial. Empire takes up a full set, providing you less defense or 8% difference compared to Imperial. However, Imperial still deals more damage making it the better choice. When it could have been (1 set having better damage but less defense) while the other is (1 set having lower damage but more defense).
  5. Hi there! Hope you guys are well and safe. We'll be having a BOX DROP EVENT tomorrow, July 12 at exactly 15:00 server time. Feel free to loot all the drops from the following: Green Mistery Box Blue Ribbon Box Green Ribbon Box This will be hosted on the following servers in order: Vegas, Jade then Avalon. See you on my stream! https://www.twitch.tv/wxyzombie
  6. So you are saying I am “REQUIRED” to go CS? I am just a player like everyone here. I will go to CS whenever I feel like going. Even when I am with GuarD @pallachh99 knows I only attend CS when I want and not always. You are talking pure nonsense here. If I may recommend a book for you, go read “The Art of War” by Sun Tzu - So you won’t cry like a menopausal lady when someone beats you with a good strategy. ✌️
  7. MU4Life: Facebook guild cannot do anything in CS and PVP MU4Life Also: They ruined castle for us. 🤣🤣🤣🤡🤡🤡 why you complain betrayal in alliances? When did we(Facebook) ever agree to an alliance with MU4Life? It was just an automatic alliance but never a true alliance. The fact you kill our afk newbies mean we’re hostile. 😂
  8. You said this yourself, let me quote you before you can edit what you said: “Well, I don't care about those events that much. When we have time and players online, we go. I have never run two windows or played with more than one character—that's just sick and stupid.” and also this: “I simply don’t see a reason to be online every 15 minutes in BA or even going to events where the guild buff shows nothing. As we can see, even the difference in the guild buff or castle defenders % is not helping!” - Clearly, it’s your fault and not ours that Facebook guild got higher points than you and you can’t attend CS. 😂 Do you expect to get higher points when you admit yourself you guys don’t want to go kill BA bosses and attend events? Don’t cry here and expect Admins to help you when you guys are the ones not taking action. If you want to go CS, then go to BA, and attend events. That’s how it works from the start. Do you expect Admins to just give you free points so you can play on CS? Do you even realize that the Administration prefers to have newbies playing 24/7 than top 1 player playing only 2 hours a week? 🤣🤣🤣 I don’t know if you’re just plain arrogant-stupid or trying to be Mr. Bean with whatever nonsense you’re saying.
  9. Hmmmm, wait. Should I feel offended with what you said? Because to me, I honestly don’t mind being called a dummy guild master. Or even a dummy guild of 10fps. If that’s your opinion and if that’s how you see me and my guild, then I one hundred percent respect it. It’s not offensive at all to me. 😸😸😸 Besides, I never once claimed my guild can conquer the server. I never even aspired to be the top guild who will conquer CS. Therefore, it is true, I have a guild full of newbies. Newbies that I invite in the game or simply adopted in the guild to help. I am a proud player who acknowledges newbies in the game and help/helped them grow as much as I can. It is what I have been doing ever since, especially back when I was still streaming. I’m not like the top guilds who only acknowledges and talk to strong or top people. So, yes, I’m not offended at all. Now, if you think there is a problem with what I’m doing, then you probably have a loose screw in your head. Fun fact, you talk about 10fps killing the server, when you guys are the ones spam killing the newbies in my guild. And for what? What do you gain from it? Do you even realize the newbies quit the game if you spam kill them and won’t let them progress? The same what mood0 has been doing back then and was banned for it. Do you want me to elaborate further? Take note, not because your guild cannot take the castle this week, then it’s the end of the server already. All of us are replaceable. There will always be new players to replace all of us, if we quit the game. Just my 2 cents for you.
  10. Can you show proof that my guild (Facebook) only have 2 members? It seems you’re the one who kept on providing false information here. And how can you say my guild is just a dummy guild?
  11. I’m not going to say anything either. Admins can check whether or not I went to kill BA bosses and attended events. They are all in the logs. Also, why do you keep blabbering about 10fps helping our guild. Is it against the rules? And who said I’m going to attack the guild who helped me? Who says I’m going to CS this week? Are you assuming or what? Or maybe you can see the future? Lastly, so what if I told my guild to kill yours? It’s not my problem your guild was took down by 3 people from my guild when you’re defending last gate. You crying about that chat yet you are saying to me “with what army”. How ironic. And it was never in the rules that you cannot attack your allies on castle siege. Maybe ask @pallachh99 how to make alliance manually instead of spending your time taunting him non-stop. LEARN. HOW. TO. PLAY. CS. 🤡
  12. It’s funny to see you were inviting me to help your guild and when I failed to do so, you talked bad about me on MU Bless Discord and even wrote to me personally and make fun about my condition. And now you are blaming us for your lack of guild points when you’re saying you are on a vacation. It’s not our problem you went on Vacation and not get enough points. You guys play on Sunday only and don’t attend daily events nor even fight for BA bosses. Lastly, calling us twinks guild? My Carnage BK is the guild master, is it a twink character? Profesor, POSTMALONE, and others, are all twinks characters? Just because we don’t go CS for the longest time gives you the rights to call us “twinks”. And now that you’ve talked bad about me and kept killing our members especially when afk, we take action and do something to help the other guild, you whine and cry here? Maybe instead of spending most of your and your guild’s time being toxic, attend events, fight for BA Bosses, and learn how to play CS properly so that auto-alliance won’t be used against you. 💯
  13. 1st game Winners: Midnight Kasekas Midnight SexyPepsi Midnight 2nd game Winners: Borriya Kasekas Midnight King Borriya 3rd game Winners: Midnight Krenon Krenon Midnight Midnight
  14. Hello everyone! On 28.04.2024 at about 12:00 server time, game quests (mini-game events) will be held on Vegas server. Participate and win server bonuses! It will be held here: https://www.twitch.tv/wxyzombie
  15. Cancelling the deal. No response from buyer anymore on Discord for days. Thanks!
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