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qBaccaa last won the day on May 31

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82 Excellent

About qBaccaa

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  1. Tak i zdelal. "Problem fixed" Nu i poluchaetsa mne tak kazhdiy raz nado delat posle restarta servera, wtobi normalno poigrat KR v devias?
  2. Takogo komenta ozhidal :D
  3. Uberite etogo bomzha s KR pliz, blochit ves "Fire Scream", nu libo zdelayte krug po dalwe.
  4. Stop being silly boy. If "69" is only a number, then "Murat" is only a name. If it's seen by this logic. You perfectly knew what you are doing by creating this guild name. Eto namek na to, wto mi drug drugu sosem chupa chups, esli neponyal. Est tam takaya pozicija v yoge
  5. Day gostevoy, zdelayu.
  6. Predlogayu dobavit palec na iconu krita
  7. No offence brother but I checked your ELF, and of course you will be lacking defense because you are in Ignored Set / haven't have bought 2k stats / haven't completed Rquests / haven't closed all your fruits/haven't completed full quests/max resets. And you are wrong about defense. Especially if you can have max stats 32k Agi / 32k Vit on your server. If you would get Excellent set you would change your mind.
  8. qBaccaa


    Dumayu wto budet samiy uspewniy server etogo projekta kak i Jade
  9. qBaccaa


    A ludwe merge srazu s novim serv
  10. + ewe udalit vse MuBless servera. Mozhet narod podtyanetsa igrat.
  11. I had the same issue before. Random fps drops from 32 to 25-27 even if nobody is around, I fixed the problem with software called "Process Lasso". After couple of tweaks game runs smoothly now, even better than before. Tested as well on "Ultra" graphics without any anti-lag patches and game could handle roughly around 2-3 party's without any fps drops. If you keep having this issue after turning on Live Guard, let me know I could create a topic on how to possibly fix this issue. Might not work for you, but it worked for me and fixed the problem with fps drops.
  12. Esli ne variant tak zdelat, togda hotya zdelayte eventi s 19:00 do 21:10, a to posle LFa nevizhu smilsa prosto sidet i zhdat DFa celiy chas.
  13. qBaccaa


    Eto vopros uzhe k Jade serveru potyanet ili net, a ne k nam. Nu ewe k MuBless, potyanet li servera i client
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